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Other languages
German Sonic Hand
France Déflagration sonique
Korean 소닉핸드
Blood Fist level 7 is needed.
Bgvur Tialbold level 6 is needed.
ID 3840
Description Fast, straight punch.
Required Job Billposter
Required Level 75
Required Weapon Knuckle
Req. Skill Points per level 3
Target Single
Element None
Combo type General
Magic No
Debuff Yes
Flying Yes
Passive No

Skill levels


Properties PvE PvP
Casting 0.5s 0.5s
Attack 116~117 116~117
Consumed FP 60 60

Scaling parameters

Stat Parameter Scale PvP PvE
STR Attack 4,8 Yes Yes


Properties PvE PvP
Casting 0.5s 0.5s
Attack 118~119 118~119
Consumed FP 65 65

Scaling parameters

Stat Parameter Scale PvP PvE
STR Attack 4,82 Yes Yes


Properties PvE PvP
Casting 0.5s 0.5s
Attack 120~121 120~121
Consumed FP 70 70

Scaling parameters

Stat Parameter Scale PvP PvE
STR Attack 4,84 Yes Yes


Properties PvE PvP
Casting 0.5s 0.5s
Attack 122~123 122~123
Consumed FP 75 75

Scaling parameters

Stat Parameter Scale PvP PvE
STR Attack 4,86 Yes Yes


Properties PvE PvP
Casting 0.5s 0.5s
Attack 124~125 124~125
Consumed FP 80 80

Scaling parameters

Stat Parameter Scale PvP PvE
STR Attack 4,88 Yes Yes


Properties PvE PvP
Casting 0.5s 0.5s
Attack 126~127 126~127
Consumed FP 85 85

Scaling parameters

Stat Parameter Scale PvP PvE
STR Attack 4,9 Yes Yes


Properties PvE PvP
Casting 0.5s 0.5s
Attack 128~129 128~129
Consumed FP 90 90

Scaling parameters

Stat Parameter Scale PvP PvE
STR Attack 4,92 Yes Yes


Properties PvE PvP
Casting 0.5s 0.5s
Attack 130~131 130~131
Consumed FP 95 95

Scaling parameters

Stat Parameter Scale PvP PvE
STR Attack 4,94 Yes Yes


Properties PvE PvP
Casting 0.5s 0.5s
Attack 132~133 132~133
Consumed FP 100 100

Scaling parameters

Stat Parameter Scale PvP PvE
STR Attack 4,96 Yes Yes


Properties PvE PvP
Casting 0.5s 0.5s
Attack 134~135 134~135
Consumed FP 110 110

Scaling parameters

Stat Parameter Scale PvP PvE
STR Attack 4,98 Yes Yes

Views: 2004

New blog post!

Battle for Madrigal Part 2 Expansion

Battle for Madrigal Expansion (Flyff Universe Version 1.4.1) Got released (Nov 28, Post-Maintenance)  

In this blog post, you’ll find direct links to detailed pages and API changes covering all the exciting updates of this expansion.

I will update these pages/ this blog post with additional information as soon as possible.  

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Yours sincerely Tacota

The 1.6.0 API data is online. Unfortunately, there are currently some difficulties in creating the detail pages for the new item pages, but you can already see the description and some models by hovering over the names.