Monster Drop information

Table of Contents

General Monsters

  • The drop rate of Booty/Questies is slightly increased compared to Flyff PC.
  • Captains will drop more Questies than Normal monsters, which will drop more Questies than Small monsters.
  • General monsters can drop only Power Dice 4, 6, and 8.
  • General monsters can drop Fruit Punch and Gratin.
  • General monsters will not drop Unique Weapons anymore. (Same as version 9 onwards.)

Dungeon Monsters

  • All monsters in dungeons have a higher chance to drop Power Dice than general monsters.
  • They can also drop Power Dice 10 and 12.

Flying Monsters

  • Only flying monsters can drop Plug Earrings. They also have a higher chance to drop Demol Earrings than general monsters.


  • Giants are guaranteed to drop at least 1 common/uncommon weapon or piece of armor.
    Note about guaranteed drops: they are still subject to drop probability reduction if your level is higher than the monster (10% if you are 9 levels or more than the monster). Treasure Hunter and other buffs will not make them drop twice or more.
  • Giants have a chance to drop Power Dice 10 and 12.
  • Giants have a higher chance to drop an element card matching their element.
  • Giants have a higher chance than general monsters to drop Rare Weapons, pieces of Rare Armour, and Jewelry.
  • Giants will drop several Questies and consumables.
  • Only giants and bosses can drop Unique Weapons.
  • Each Giant has a slight variance in chance (a few percentages) to drop a specific kind of Unique Weapon (Sword, Axe, Stick, Knuckle, etc.). For example, one Giant will have a slightly better chance of dropping a Sword while another might have a slightly better chance of dropping a Staff.


  • Clockworks will always drop 1 piece of Jewelry between Mighteer+1, Penzeru+1, Strente+1, Intiret+1, and Dexion+1. There is a chance to drop a second one of these +1 Jewelries.
  • Clockworks has a small chance to drop 1 of its rare Jewelries which are Strente+2/3, Dexion+2/3, Intiret+2/3, Mighteer+2/3, Penzeru+2/3, and Speedo+1/2/3.
  • Clockworks has a high chance to drop Clockworks Weapons and pieces of Clockworks Armour.

Other Bosses (Dreadpet Dungeons, Iblis Leanes, Meteonyker)

  • These Bosses will drop many Questies, consumables and common/uncommon Weapons and pieces of Armour.
  • They have a high chance to drop upgrading materials, including Power Dice 10 and 12.
  • They are the monsters with the highest chance to drop several Rare Weapons and pieces of Rare Armour.
  • Iblis Leanes can drop Weapons of Iblis.
  • Meteonyker can drop Legendary Golden Weapons.

Quest Monsters

  • Quest and Kebaras monsters will only drop items relative to their quests.