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Squash the Sasquatch!

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Squash the Sasquatch!

Other languages
German Squash the Sasquatch!
France Yéti Défaiti
Korean Squash the Sasquatch!

Description Please defeat 70 Yetti and 55 Mutant Yetti and return to me as soon as you're finished.
Begin NPC Gigaka
End NPC Gigaka
Location Azria
Level: 116~140
Complete Quest: Old Machinery
Hunt 70x Yetti
Hunt 55x Mutant Yetti
Penya: 3,500,000
EXP: 20% for Lv. 116
Items: 125x Gratin (soul linked)
2x Power Dice Box (soul linked)
Chain Quest Yes
Repeatable No
Removable Yes
Party Share Yes

Begin We meet again, traveler. We need more help. Rumor has it that the Yetti are becoming more aggressive towards humans. We can't allow this to continue happening.
Will you lend me a hand once more, traveler?
Accept Please defeat 70 Yetti and 55 Mutant Yetti and return to me as soon as you're finished.
Decline Come back when you think you are ready.
Complete It appears your efforts were a success. Thank you.
Fail Not enough monsters have been defeated, unfortunately. You must go back and fight.