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Beginners Guide

  • Hotkey assignment

    Lean all the Hotkeys and there meanings of Flyff Universe. You can even customize the hotkeys as you want.

  • Beginners Tutorial

    Lean the first information about Beginners Tutorial and how it looks in-game for mobile.

  • Option

    Lean all about the Option settings, the Cartoon Mode, and the 3 themes you can choose from.

  • Useful chat commands

    The chat is a important function. Here a quick overview of the chat commands ans their functions.

  • PC interface

    Lean about the PC interface with it's Main Slot bar and Action Slot, Status window with your EXP, and much more.

  • Mobile interface

    Learn about Primary menu animation, Puttung an emoticon as shortcut, Skill Window, Map Window, Chat Window, and more on mobile.

  • Inventory

    Lean about the free and unlockable free inventory slots, the inevorty filter and the item lock function.

  • Buying & Selling

    Learn all abour the Quick Sell, Buy Back, Privat Shop, Vendor Shops Vendor Shop Skins, and some generell information.

  • Skill System

    Skills are for fighting, healing or buffung. Lean how much skill points you can gain, how much points skills costs, and advanced information.

  • Buff Pang

    Buff Pang helps beginners by giving starter buffs (some Assist skills) for the hunt. See the skills and Pangs locations.

  • Flying Combat

    Lean about the Flying Combat in Flyff Universe. How you fight and what you are able to do.

  • Damage tests and calculations

    There are Damage Training Dummies to test you damage and healing power. In-Game there also is a Damage Stats Window.

  • PK-System

    Get some first information about Duel Betting and a PK Bounty.