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Beginners Guide

  • Beginners Tutorial

    Lean the first information about Beginners Tutorial and how it looks in-game for mobile.

  • PC interface

    Lean about the PC interface with it's Main Slot bar and Action Slot, Status window with your EXP, and much more.

  • Mobile interface

    Learn about Primary menu animation, Puttung an emoticon as shortcut, Skill Window, Map Window, Chat Window, and more on mobile.

  • Skill System

    Skills are for fighting, healing or buffung. Lean how much skill points you can gain, how much points skills costs, and advanced information.

  • Options

    Lean all about the Options settings, the Cartoon Mode, and the 3 themes you can choose from.

  • Hotkey assignment

    Lean all the Hotkeys and there meanings of Flyff Universe. You can even customize the hotkeys as you want.

  • Useful chat commands

    The chat is a important function. Here a quick overview of the chat commands ans their functions.

  • Inventory

    Lean about the free and unlockable free inventory slots, the inevorty filter and the item lock function.

  • Buying & Selling

    Learn all abour the Quick Sell, Buy Back, Privat Shop, Vendor Shops Vendor Shop Skins, and some generell information.

  • Buff Pang

    Buff Pang helps beginners by giving starter buffs (some Assist skills) for the hunt. See the skills and Pangs locations.

  • Flying Combat

    Lean about the Flying Combat in Flyff Universe. How you fight and what you are able to do.

  • Damage tests and calculations

    There are Damage Training Dummies to test you damage and healing power. In-Game there also is a Damage Stats Window.

  • PK-System

    Get some first information about Duel Betting and a PK Bounty.

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The 1.6.0 API data is online. Unfortunately, there are currently some difficulties in creating the detail pages for the new item pages, but you can already see the description and some models by hovering over the names.