API data of potentially upcoming content

This blog post presents API data on potential upcoming content. Please note that this is not official the information is subject to change at any time.

The API reveals eight new classes and 4 collecting tools, various new consumables, jewelry, and other items across different grade levels.

The goal of this post is to shed some light on the subject.

Table of Contents

The collecting and processing classes

Collecting classes:

  1. Mining Class | Uses different kinds of pickaxes
  2. Herbology Class | Uses different kinds of hoes
  3. Fishing Class | Uses different kinds of fishing rods
  4. Woodcutting Class | Uses different kinds of axes.

Processing classes

  1. Cooking Class | Crafts probably Food and consumables
  2. Smithing Class | Crafts probably Couple Rings, Jewelry, and Consumables
  3. Alchemy Class| Crafts probably Drinks, Pills, and Potions.
  4. Carpentry Class | Crafts probably Furniture.

Each class has a Newbie, Normal, Expert, and Master title, which should be achieved by doing the job and will probably lead to better items at higher titles or skill points.

Later, you should unlock these classes by starting the quest with the NPC [Life Master] Livi (currently not in-game).

Buying the tools for the classes

Later you should be able to buy the tools from the NPC [Life Master] Livi (currently not in-game). Overview of all the items to buy

Note: There are new items called “Repair Hammer” and “Premium Repair Hammer”. The purpose of these items seems to be repeating your tools (recover the durability)

  • Hoe: A hoe that is used for harvesting herbs. Herb gathering success rate 40%
  • Well-maintained Hoe: A hoe that has been well-maintained and can be used for harvesting even more herbs. Herb gathering success rate 50%
  • New Hoe: A new type of hoe that is used for harvesting herbs. Herb gathering success rate 60
  • Finest Hoe: The finest hoe that is used for harvesting herbs. Herb gathering success rate 70
  • Axe: An axe that is for woodcutting. Woodcutting success rate 40%
  • Well-maintained Axe: An axe that has been well-maintained and can be used for even more woodcutting. Woodcutting success rate 50
  • New Axe: A new type of axe that is for woodcutting. Woodcutting success rate 60%
  • Finest Axe: The finest axe that is for woodcutting. Woodcutting success rate 70%
  • Pickaxe: A pickaxe can be used for mining ores. Mining success rate 40%
  • Well-maintained Pickaxe: A pickaxe that has been well-maintained and can be used for mining even more ores. Mining success rate 50%
  • New Pickaxe: A new type of pickaxe can be used for mining ores. Mining success rate 60
  • Finest Pickaxe: The finest pickaxe that is used for mining ores. Mining success rate 70%
  • Fishing Rod: A fishing rod for fishing. Fishing success rate 40%, chance of catching large one 5%
  • Well-maintained Fishing Rod: A fishing rod for fishing. It has been well-maintained. Fishing success rate 55%, chance of catching large one 6%
  • New Fishing Rod: A new type of fishing rod for fishing. Fishing success rate 70%, chance of catching large one 8%
  • Finest Fishing Rod: The best fishing rod for fishing. Fishing success rate 80%, chance of catching large one 10%

For the fishing class, you can also buy Bait.

  • Lowest-class Bait: Very cheap bait. Can get common fish. Costs 1 durability.
  • Low-class Bait: Relatively cheap bait. Can get common~uncommon fish. Costs 3 durability.
  • Mid-class Bait: It’s an OK bait. Can get common~rare fish. Costs 5 durability.
  • High-class Bait: A bait made out of fancy material. Can get common~very rare fish. Costs 7 durability.
  • Highest-class Bait: Bait made out of the fineset material. Can get uncommon~very rare fish. Costs 10 durability.

Increase in yield

The tools have different success rates and different rates of collecting better items. There seems to also be premium items for adjusting these two rates. 

  • Scroll of Success: The production success rate increases by 10% for 30 minutes upon use.
  • Scroll of Great Success: The production great success rate increases by 10% for 30 minutes upon use.

There are also Scroll of Production Boosts to make your production faster

  • Scroll of Production Boost: The production time per 1 item decreases by 10% for 30 minutes upon use.
  • Scroll of Production Reduction (5 Min): The remaining production time decreases by 5 minutes when used. The item will be consumed even if the remaining time is 0 after using the item.
  • Scroll of Production Reduction (10 Min): The remaining production time decreases by 10 minutes when used. The item will be consumed even if the remaining time is 0 after using the item.
  • Scroll of Production Reduction (30 Min): The remaining production time decreases by 30 minutes when used. The item will be consumed even if the remaining time is 0 after using the item.
  • Scroll of Production Reduction (1 Hour): The remaining production time decreases by 1 hour when used. The item will be consumed even if the remaining time is 0 after using the item.

Master's Chips

It appears that during your job, in addition to your other crafting items, you will receive ‘Master’s Chips,’ which can be exchanged with NPC [Life Master] Livi for various materials to craft additional items.

Master’s Chips: It is a chip that can be obtained through life skills. You can exchange it with useful items via NPC Livi

Overview of all items to exchange

Since nearly all of the items available in this exchange are grade A, and the API shows other grades (D, C, B) for each item, it’s possible that lower grades can also be crafted, and or maybe collected during your job.

Probability during processing (crafting)

It seems that crafting is associated with a probability. It seems that for the 4 processing jobs, there is a useless item if you fail.

  • Smithing
    • Stone Dust: A stone that has been unsuccessfully carved, leaving only powder. Unfortunately, there seems no use for it.
  • Alchemist: 
    • Experimental Residue: These are ingredients that have failed alchemy and become unknown. Unfortunately, there seems no use for it.”
  • Cooking:
    • Burnt Food: Food that failed to cook and was burnt. Unfortunately, there seems no use for it.
  • Carpentry: 
    • Sawdust: This is the wood from a failed carpentry attempt. Unfortunately, there doesn’t seem to be any use for it.

Important new items that should be craftable with these jobs

(the following information are based on assumptions how it would make sense)

Smithing Class


In this API a bounce of couple rings got added which are currently not obtainable.

Since there are different titles maybe the Handmade, Artisan versions can be crafted when you have a different title, and maybe skill points of your job are necessary.

Also, the Smith would fit for the new +4 and +5 versions of the clockwork Jewelry:

  • Mighteer +4 | +345 Damage Earring
  • Mighteer +5 | +460 Damage Earring
  • Penzeru +4 | +225 Defense Earring
  • Penzeru +5 | +250 Defense Earring
  • Speedo +4 |  +15% Block Earring
  • Speedo +5 |  +21% Block Earring
  • Pep +4 | +920  Max HP, +20% HP Restoration 
  • Pep +5 | +1440 Max HP, +21% HP Restoration 
  • Socecle +4 | Max MP +458, Decreased MP Consumption +21%, MP Recovery After Kill +113
  • Socecle +5 | Max MP +694, Decreased MP Consumption +22%, MP Recovery After Kill +120
  • Strente +4 | STR +40 Ring
  • Strente +5 | STR +50 Ring
  • Intiret +4 | INT +40 Ring
  • Intiret +5 | INT +50 Ring
  • Dexion +4 | DEX +40 Ring
  • Dexion +5 | DEX +50 Ring
  • Enduky +4 | Max FP +554, FP Recovery Auto Attack +41
  • Enduky +5 | Max FP +784, FP Recovery Auto Attack +43

Since there are different titles maybe this jewelry can be crafted when you have a higher title, and maybe skill points of your job.

Note: It would also make sense if you would be able to craft the +1 to +3 versions of those jewelry.


Basic crafting material in Version (D) (C), (B), (A), (A+) (increasing Attack and defense).

  • Silverwork of Attack (D), (C), (B), (A), (A+)
    • Attack +10, +29, +49, +98, +140
  • Silverwork of Defense (D), (C), (B), (A), (A+)
    • Attack +10, +29, +49, +98, +140

Other consumables with high % values:

  • Goldwork of Attack (D), (C), (B), (A), (A+)
    • Attack +1%, +3%, +5%, +7%, +10%
  • Goldwork of Defense (D), (C), (B), (A), (A+)
    • Defense +1%, +3%, +5%, +7%, +10%
  • Goldwork of Magic Attack (D), (C), (B), (A), (A+)
    • Magic Attack +1%, +2%, +2%, 3%, +3%
  • Goldwork of Magic Resistance (D), (C), (B), (A), (A+)
    • Magic Defense +1%, +2%, +2%, 3%, +3%
  • Cut Jade of Lightning / Earth / Wind / Water / Fire  Attack (D), (C), (B), (A), (A+)
    • Individual Element Mastery +1%, +3%, +5%, +7%, +10%
  • Cut Jade of Lightning / Earth / Wind / Water / Fire  Defense (D), (C), (B), (A), (A+)
    • Individual Element DEF +1%, +3%, +5%, +7%, +10%

Currently, there isn’t a value in the API indicating how long the duration of the items from all 3 categories is.


  • Mirror
  • Spinning Globe
  • Chandelier

Alchimist Class

Basic drink crafting seems to be the standard items like VitalDrink or Gold Pills in other Version (D), (C), (B), (A), (A+) (increasing HP/MP FP) recovery items.

Other than recovery items there are also buffs; probably craftable in higher Achievements when the character is skilled in the job.

1st categories of consumable potions are:

  • Potions of Tiger, of Fox, of Rabbit, of Lion (D), (C), (B), (A), (A+)
    • (D) give +1,  (C) give +3,  (B) give +5, (A) give +10 and (A+) give +14 of the individual stat like STR

2nd categories (most likely for higher alchemists) of other known consumables are:

  • Concoction of Flowing Thought: +1%, +2%, 2%, +5%, +6% MP
  • Concoction of Rising Power: +1%, +2%, +5%, +6% FP
  • Concoction of Accuracy: +1%, +2%, 2%, +5%, +6% Hit rate
  • Concoction of Evasion: +1%, +2%, 2%, +3%, +3% parry
  • Concoction of Swiftness: +1%, +2%, 3%, +5%, +6% attack speed
  • Concoction of Clarity: +1%, +2%, 3%, +5%, +6% casting speed
  • Concoction of Recklessness: +1%, +2%, 3%, +5%, +6% critical chance
  • Concoction of Bleeding: +1%, +2%, 3%, +5%, +6% critical damage
  • Concoction of Swift Footstep: +1%, +2%, +5%, +7%, +10% Speed
  • Concoction of Swift HP Recovery: HP Recovery +0,004%, +0,01%, +0,02%, +0,03% +0,05%
  • Concoction of Swift MP Recovery: MP Recovery +4%, +10%, +20%, +30%, +50%
  • Concoction of Swift FP Recovery: FP Recovery +4%, +10%, +20%, +30%, +50%
  • Power Refresher: Decreased MP Consumption +4%, +10%, +20%, +30%, +50%

Currently, there isn’t a value in the API indicating how long the duration of the items from all 3 categories is.

Cooking Class

Basic food crafting seems to be the standard food like Seafood Pan Cake in other Version (D), (C), (B), (A), (A+) (increasing HP/MP FP) recovery items.

Other than recovery items there are also Buffs probably craftable in higher Achievements when the character is skilled in the job.

1st categories of consumables are:

  • Fish Balls in red, blue, green, purple, rainbow, orange sky blue, yellow pink, grey, and white all in (D), (C), (B), (A), (A+)
    • (D) give +1,  (C), and (B) and (A and (A+) give +3 of the individual stat like STR
    • Rainbow gives +1 to +3 to all stats
    • Orange gives +1% to +3% hitrate
    • Sky Blue gives +1% to +3% parry
    • Yellow gives +1% to +3% attack speed
    • Pink gives +1% to +3% critical chance
    • Grey gives +1 to 15 def (not %)
    • White gives +1% to +3% casting speed


2nd categories of consumables are:

  • Pickled Herring, Salmon Steak, and Fish Sandwich 
    • Increasing of max HP, FP, and MP depending of (D) to (A+) from 25 to 350


3rd category  of consumables are the new forms of Grilled Eel:

  • Grilled Salted Eel (D): Max HP +3%
  • Grilled Salted Eel (C): Max HP +7%
  • Grilled Salted Eel (B): Max HP +10%
  • Grilled Salted Eel (A): Max HP +15%
  • Grilled Salted Eel (A+): Max HP +30%

Note: Since these stats for the 3rd category are pretty high it most likely not going to be easy to achieve the skill point (title) to be even able to try crafting it.

Currently, there isn’t a value in the API indicating how long the duration of the items from all 3 categories is.

Carpentry Class

The Carpentry Class seems to craft a lot of housing-related individual furniture like a Wooden Chair (5,10 15, 20, 30  Days duration versions). Most likely depending on the title maybe skill level.

  • Smithing Workspace: Maybe the Smithing and Carpentry have to work together?
  • Carpentry Workspace: Most likely necessary for crafting the furniture


  • Wooden
  • Wooden Yellow
  • Wooden Blue
  • Wooden Red
  • Music (themed)
  • Modern
  • Design (themed)
  • Heart
  • Cushion
  • Antique
  • Royal
  • Golden Royal

Currently, there isn’t a value in the API indicating if they have stats.

Items of currently unknown use

  • Wandering Merchant Refresh Ticket: Refresh the item list of the Wandering Merchant upon use.

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The 1.6.0 API data is online. Unfortunately, there are currently some difficulties in creating the detail pages for the new item pages, but you can already see the description and some models by hovering over the names.