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All 1st job change in Flarine

1st job change quests are all in Eastern Flarine because it was confusing for newcomers to have some in the other cities.

1vs1 playstyle EXP and DROP buff

There was a disadvantage of players using a 1vs1 playstyle. It takes them more time to level up and loot items due to the ability of AoE players to kill more monsters at a time.

Thus there was a mechanism added to the game: low, regular, and captain monsters level 30+ killed by at least 80% of damage inflicted from single target attacks and skills will have an increased experience and drop rate.

The experience and drop rate increase is 20% for monsters level 30 and increases gradually to reach 35% for monsters level 140, and from 90% at 141 to 102% at 160.

Attention: To make it clear once again, the increase is regarding the monster’s level, NOT the player’s level

Additional information regarding 1v1 weapon element damage boost

Monsters have a natural +30% resistance boost on one element and a -30% resistance deficit for the opposite element.

Having the advantageous element (for this example at least +1 wind) on your weapon increases your dmg by 30% (through the monster’s resistances) regardless of its plus.

Upgrading your weapon (for 1on1 leveling) with an element also increases your attack power by a % on top of the resistance bonus.

So yeah, you always want at least a +1 elemental advantage (the monster’s -% resistance) on your weapon for an easy 7% atk boost and 30% dmg boost

For more information about the elemental uprade visite our Elemental Upgrade page.

Different kinds of attacking and the effect with elements

Resistances (mentioned above) work for all types of attacks with an element.

The value of the elemental upgrade +1 to +10 works only for auto attacks.

For skills with an element, all upgrades between +1 and +10 bring a 10% bonus, as long as the element matches the element of the skill.

Report System

You can report another player using the official Discord. You must write a message and name a reason: Insults, Botting, Cheating/hacking, RMT, or Bad behavior. The MOD team will check your message. Abusing the feature can result in your account or IP being banned.

Fitting room

A window that players may access through the start menu → Helper → Fitting Room. This window allows players to preview items on their character, see item stats, and play around with animations. (Similar to the old external Flyff PC Cash Shop Viewer)

  • At the top left you can search for items
  • These searched items can be equipped at the bottom left (Equip L for dual Blade weapons)
  • On the top right, you can set a background color.
  • On the bottom right, you can select 1 of 40 animations like walking
  • And next to the equip bottom you can reset you equipment

Equipment Switch

You can set multiple presets of the equipment you would like to equip. You can access this menu by going to Menu→Switch Equipment.

You can create multiple presets and even set them as shortcuts in your hot bars. You will have a 3-second cool down between switching your equipment.

Equipments not defined in the preset (including Posters, Arrows) will not be changed and the piece of equipment you are already wearing in that slot will remain the same.

[Ger] Equipment switch video from the community

Turning of underwater effects, especially for some parts of coral island

Some level areas on coral island are underwater. This may hurt your eyes after a while. You can deactivate the water effects for a cleaner view in the graphics options.

Blade Damage / main- and off hand

  • The dual and main distribution is split 50/50, offhand never attacks alone.
  • Dual hit is 100% main hand + 75% off hand damage.
  • Upgrading offhand does affect actual damage when hitting with that weapon.
  • Each hit’s damage is calculated independently based on which weapon is being used for that hit.

Empower Weapon (Blade Skill)

  • Empower Weapon adds to weapons element upgrade level (literally), it is not a direct damage boost.
  • The current max element is +10, and since you are forced to have at least +1 on weapon to activate the skill, Empower Weapon can only contribute +9 max.
  • The stat window only shows empower weapon and weapon element + bonus separately.
  • Only on actual damage (auto attack) calculation are both merged into one and result in a +10 element.

Sword vs Axe

  • The crit chance from the axe is stronger than the increased critical damage by default and going from 5.7 to 4.7 is a 17.5% damage loss from STR portion of the damage alone, which makes up around half of the total attack.
  • 8.78% loss from the lower scaling + less damage from 10 crit chance to 10 critical damage and you’re at around 10% total DPS loss.

Critical Chance vs Critical Damage

Tip: Double-click the pictures to make them bigger.

example calculation 1:

  • At 32% critical chance and 50% critical damage increase, you get the value 2.73.
  • If you gain x% critical chance from one source, then 2.73 times those x% in critical damage increase will do the same for you.
    10% critical chance == 27.3% critical damage increase(rounded up to 28%).
  • This multiplier stays constant, no matter the heights of the bonuses with one exception.
    • If the current critical chance bonus exceeds 100%, then only the part that’s missing 100% must be multiplied and compared.

example calculation 2:

  • At 96% critical chance and 120% critical damage increase, you get the value 1.64.
    • 10% critical chance == 16.4% critical damage increase(rounded up to 16%).
    • then normally you’d opt for the critical chance.

Example weapon attack calculation for upgrading a weapon +0 to +10 and den Ulti+5

Blockrate translation table

The displayed block rate isn’t the actual real calculated block rate. See the comparison. 

Damage ratio

Here we show you how much the damage is reduced when you are X level under the monster you are fighting

HnR vs Tank Elementor in Flyff Universe: What Should You Play?

You can play with a low-level Elementor exactly like a high-level Elementor,

For example, playing a Level 70 Elementor can feel almost identical to using a full-equipped, 200% Decreasing Cast Time Elementor on Coral Island. The mobs can basically  from a single Poison Cloud. You can use Earthquake or other Level 70 skills to pull mobs, dealing a few thousand damage, and that was against Carrier Bombs, which are even Lightning-element—meaning Poison Cloud does reduced damage. Yet, they still almost died entirely from Poison Cloud alone. Occasionally, I’d have to throw in an Earthquake, or just finish them off with collateral damage from pulling, and they’d be dead.

You simply don’t need to face-tank, because the mobs are almost dead from one Poison Cloud. Even without consumables, you’d only need one more skill to finish them off. So, why would you go through the effort of face-tanking? Unless you want to avoid Hit-and-Run play style, but that’s exactly my point. Why would you opt for the extra effort of playing as a face-tank, where you have to manage healing, make sure you can actually tank without dying, and factor in survival along with damage—all for potentially slower kill times, or at best, the same kill times as with Hit-and-Run?

In low-level play, especially, there’s hardly a reason not to choose Hit-and-Run Elementor. The early game is practically a gift, it’s so easy, even with mediocre equipment. You can run with a clean Guardian Staff, no socketed gear, and +3 jewelry—nothing impressive—yet you can still tear through mobs effortlessly.

If you’re actively grinding, not just for 5 minutes but for hours, it’s critical that the monsters are at or above your level. If they’re under your level, you’ll receive significantly less EXP, which is bad for progression. This is the most important rule: the mobs should never be below your level. As long as they’re on par with or above your level, you’re in a good spot.

The most crucial factors in effective grinding are kill time and mob density, followed by the level of the monsters. If you’re killing hundreds or even thousands of mobs, or practically one-shotting them, it’s not a big deal if they’re only at your level. In that case, the sheer volume of kills will balance out the XP gain. If you’re that strong, you could probably even handle mobs 5 levels higher than you and wipe them out just as easily. But we think you get the point.

Final Thoughts on HnR vs Tank Elementor

In summary, Hit-and-Run Elementor offers a far more efficient and effortless leveling experience, especially in the early game, where your damage is strong enough to wipe out mobs without the need for tanking. You won’t have to worry about survival nearly as much, and you’ll likely achieve better kill times compared to a face-tank approach. So unless you have a strong preference for face-tanking, it’s hard to justify not playing Hit-and-Run, at least at lower levels. For high-levels you need to do a lot of damage else the mobs are going to lose focus and run away. (Focus timer: 28 seconds for >= 14 monsters)

Source: This guide was originally explained by Spielestyler in his YouTube video in German.

Some trivia information

  • High-level players can’t AoE low-level monsters anymore and tank them infinitely to troll other players. The monsters will lose interest and return to their original spawn location if it doesn’t receive any damage for 3 minutes.
  • Items are greyed out as soon as you drop them to the Private Shop window
  • In Flyff Universe the duration of Upcut Stone, Refresher Hold, Vital Drink is 1 hour, in PC Flyff it’s minutes
  • A lot of monsters have Bleeding, Poison, and Stun debuffs.
  • It is possible to hide the whole interface, including the taskbar. By default the shortcut is Ctrl+F. Press the same shortcut or any other window shortcut to display the interface again.
  • Some continents require a minimum player level: Level 20 for Garden of Rhisis and Darkon 3, Level 80 for Azria and Level 100 for Coral Island. Note that the level requirement does not apply to safe areas like Azria Village, Coral Village, The Wilds entrance, etc. Players not meeting level requirements will be automatically teleported to Flaris.

Gacha / Box content and probabilities

When you click to use an Item Package it will open a window showing the list of items that you will get by opening it. You will be able to see if the items are limited in time or Soul-Linked. You also have the possibility to open a whole stack of Item Packages in one click!

Gift boxes have often been criticized for their lack of transparency towards players. Gift Boxes display the list of items you can get with their exact probability. In the same way as Item Packages, it is possible to open up to 999 boxes in one click.

There is a kind of item called Gachas. Unlike Gift Boxes which do not give you any guarantee to get the item you want so much, Gachas assure you that if you open enough of them you will get the item of your dreams!

Think of a Gacha as a bag containing a defined set of items. Every time you consume a Gacha you randomly get one item from this bag. If you empty the bag, it means that you will have obtained all the items on the list. Once the bag is empty, the Gacha is refilled if you want to get the items again. That’s not all! If you get the item of your dreams from the first draws, most Gachas will offer you the possibility to reset them manually with the Reset button.

To help you you can see the probabilities to get each item. These probabilities are updated after every new draw.

Global Gachas

Global Gachas are a new kind of item, similar to the Gachas presented in the October development blog but they are shared between all players of the same server! The Gacha is reset once all items have been picked. Since Global Gachas can’t be reset earlier by a single player, there is an additional guaranteed item for the player picking the last item

Visual Effects of rare loot

Rare Loot shows a visual SFX when the item is on the ground.

Item Rarity

Item Rarity is shown in the Tooltip. Unique Weapons level 60+ are Red, Rare Weapons level 45 and below are Green & Rare Armour level 5-120 are Green. Certain Weapons & Shields that are better than Common will have the Rarity Uncommon, which is Brown.

Here is a list of all possible Rarity for Equipment:

Red (Unique) > Green (Rare) > Brown (Uncommon) > Blue (Common)

Arena Ranking

The Free PK Arena of Saint City has a ranking system! Players can view the ranking by talking to [Arena Manager] Lay in every town and [Arena Manager] Harold near the Arena. There are different sorting options: by kills, by deaths, by ratio kills/death, and by difference kills-death. The ranking will reset every week with rewards for the top-ranked players

Every week, the Free PK Arena ranking will reset and top ranked players by number of kills will receive the new Eagle Cloaks by mail. You can check the rewards and your current rank by talking to the Arena Managers. You can wear the cloak until the next ranking reset in the same way as Guild Siege’s Dragon Cloaks. Note there is a rate limit between 2 IP addresses and/or 2 accounts to prevent abuse in the ranking. PvE players should be able to win Dragon and Eagle cloaks too when new PvE contents such as Secret Rooms will be released in later versions.

Experience Stop System

You can decide to stop gaining experience from monsters in order to farm items or dungeons. This is done by activating the “Exp Lock” in the Character window. Every monster killed giving at least 1 point of experience will reduce the Exp Lock Gauge by 1 instead of giving you the experience. You must fill the gauge regularly by paying with Penya. The price is currently 100 Penya per killed monster. There are frequent messages to remind the player that the Exp Lock is active or when the gauge starts to be empty.

Monster focus timer

Monster focus timer (the time they chase you without landing a hit) is based on the number of monsters focusing the same player:

  • 3 minutes for < 4 monsters
  • 80 seconds for >= 4 and < 7 monsters
  • 50 seconds for >= 8 and < 13 monsters
  • 28 seconds for >= 14 monsters

Server Rankings

Character and Guild rankings are available on the main website! You can filter by server, character name, and class.

Character Ranking: https://universe.flyff.com/sniegu/ranking/characters 

Guild Ranking: https://universe.flyff.com/sniegu/ranking/guilds

Since Nov 28th 2024 - New Arena World

A new PvP arena is going to be replacing the arena in Saint Morning for a better casual PvP experience as well as a new spot to hang out!

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Yours sincerely Tacota

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The 1.6.0 API data is online. Unfortunately, there are currently some difficulties in creating the detail pages for the new item pages, but you can already see the description and some models by hovering over the names.