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Hotkey-‘i’ opens your inventory. 

The Penya limit in your inventory is 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 (2,147,483,647 is the limit in Flyff PC). So there is no need for the item “Perin” from PC Flyff) 

All your items are stored in a single, huge place and there are 5 tabs to filter the display of items:
-All items
-Quest items
The new window also features a search by item name.

A new player starts with 50 free inventory slots. There are 70 slots that can be unlocked through quests (job change, scenario, etc.) and Achievements. There are also 2 x 24 additional slots that can be rented with the Cash Shop item ‘Extra Bag’ of 1, 15, or 30 days. When a slot is no longer available, the item can still be used but it is not possible to place a new item in the slot.

Since the Flyff PC backpack (shortcut B) has no reason to exist with this inventory system, the shortcut has been reimplemented but allows players to open a 2nd view of the inventory.

Soul-Linked items now have a small lock icon in the bottom left corner

Item Lock

It is possible to mark and unmark items by right-clicking on them. Marked items have a small star on the top left corner. Marked items cannot be deleted, traded, sold in private shops, sold to NPC, sent by mail, or put in the guild bank.

Soul Link conversion system

This feature makes stackable items (such as consumables, upgrade material, etc.) be converted to a Soul Linked status so different types of items of the same kind can be stackable. The feature can be used by right-clicking the item in your inventory. Please note that it is irreversible once you have converted the items, so be careful what you convert.

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Yours sincerely Tacota

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(A new tab opens, this pop-up would say) 

The 1.6.0 API data is online. Unfortunately, there are currently some difficulties in creating the detail pages for the new item pages, but you can already see the description and some models by hovering over the names.