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Successor of Hero – Scroll (Ranger)

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Successor of Hero - Scroll

Other languages
German Die Schriftrolle des Jester Heros
France Successeur de Kerenen - Chapitre 3
Korean 영웅의 후계자-두루마리
ID 6519
Description Take the Letter of Hynan to High-Dwarpet Liekyen in Darken.
Begin NPC [Sage] Kimel
End NPC [High-Dwarpet] Liekyen
Level: 60~160
Complete Quest: Successor of Hero - Letter (Ranger)
Collect 1x Letter of Hynan
Items: 1x Stamped Scroll
Chain Quest Yes
Repeatable No
Removable No
Party Share No

Begin Many thanks for bringing me the Letter of Hynan! I would like you to deliver it to High-Dwarpet Liekyen.
High-Dwarpet Liekyen can be found near the northwestern edge of town in Darken.
Accept You possess great potential, young Acrobat. Keep working hard and you will realize your dream.
Decline Foolish Acrobat! Don't you realize your potential? See me again if you change your mind.
Complete Hello, I am Liekyen. A former steward of the Hynan family. I now administer the keepsakes of the Hynan family. What have you got there?
The Letter of Hynan?! This was the last lost keepsake of the Hynan family. How did you… no matter. The important thing is that it has been returned. I have been looking for this for a very long time.
Now all of the keepsakes of the Hynan family are accounted for. Here, take this. This scroll will prove that you are ready to become a successor of the Ranger Hero.
Fail I'm waiting for someone to deliver a letter to me. Do you have it? No? Then our business is concluded.

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