Chapter 3 Purple Magician

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Chapter 3 Purple Magician

Other languages
German Kapitel 3: Lila Magier
France Mages Pourpres
Korean 3장 자색의 마법사 <블랙 매지션>
Description Please deliver this to Gothante in Saint City.
Begin NPC Hachal
End NPC [Chairman of History Society] Gothante
Location Darkon 1, 2
Level: 26~140
Complete Quest: Chapter 2 Hill of Shade: History of Hardship
Collect 1x Data Examined by Hachal
Chain Quest Yes
Repeatable No
Removable Yes
Party Share Yes

Begin Hey. It seems like the altar and Magic Troupe have something to do with..
..the Purple Magician in this book. History of Hardship. Only it says that the Black Magician and the Magician in Purple are the same person. The same person that fought alongside the heroes in the Hero Wars. That does not make sense.
It is something really unbelievable, but it is also something we should believe.
I think this is the best I can do for now but I will never stop looking for the truth.
You! I want you to show this to someone. Can you do that right now?
Accept Yes! Please deliver this to Gothante in Saint City. He is he head of the History Society.
Decline I understand that you have other things to do. But this is very important. Come back soon.
Complete Hey! Long time no see! Did you meet Hachal? What is this?
Oh.. Bubble protect us! Is this true? Oh.. Oh.. This is too big to deal with alone.
Fail I am really glad to see you again, but did Hachal tell you to meet me? For what?