Logo Wiki alone 1.2


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Menus Dialog, Trade, Safepiercing, Createultimate, Piercingremove
Locations Coral Island (Madrigal)
Place Weapon Store
Shop Yes

Shop items

Icon Name LV Rarity Price Category Subcategory
Bastard Sword 60 Common 418,000 Weapon Sword
Two Handed Axe 60 Common 537,900 Weapon Axe
Two Handed Sword 65 Common 460,000 Weapon Sword
Great Axe 65 Common 597,200 Weapon Axe
Darkonizer 70 Common 580,000 Weapon Sword
Kergnition 70 Common 752,100 Weapon Axe
Adaptizer 75 Common 810,000 Weapon Sword
Lurknition 75 Common 1,052,000 Weapon Axe
Zweigazer 80 Common 1,050,000 Weapon Sword
Avnition 80 Common 1,351,900 Weapon Axe
Kaleonizer 85 Common 1,220,000 Weapon Sword
Kanainition 85 Common 1,573,600 Weapon Axe
Zeroth Sword 85 Common 2,970,000 Weapon Sword
Shakyfin Axe 85 Common 3,192,000 Weapon Axe
Emeryl Sword 85 Common 3,340,000 Weapon Sword
Hitch Axe 85 Common 3,587,800 Weapon Axe
Icon Name LV Rarity Price Category Subcategory
Gravity Knuckle 55 Common 450,000 Weapon Knuckle
Pinacle Stick 55 Common 450,000 Weapon Stick
Rave Stick 64 Common 790,000 Weapon Stick
Corean Knuckle 64 Common 790,000 Weapon Knuckle
Fistomber Knuckle 70 Common 1,180,000 Weapon Knuckle
Fanta Stick 70 Common 1,180,000 Weapon Stick
Edoren Knuckle 75 Common 2,200,000 Weapon Knuckle
Moralemine Stick 75 Common 2,200,000 Weapon Stick
Shinewing Stick 85 Common 2,880,000 Weapon Stick
Skellock Knuckle 85 Common 2,880,000 Weapon Knuckle
Shalow Stick 85 Common 3,240,000 Weapon Stick
Goldross Knuckle 85 Common 3,240,000 Weapon Knuckle
Icon Name LV Rarity Price Category Subcategory
Splhail Wand 55 Common 400,000 Weapon Wand
Astrol Staff 55 Common 460,000 Weapon Staff
Mirage Wand 64 Common 700,000 Weapon Wand
Sheikane Staff 64 Common 820,000 Weapon Staff
Aris Wand 70 Common 1,060,000 Weapon Wand
Twenkeen Staff 70 Common 1,230,000 Weapon Staff
Moira Wand 75 Common 1,970,000 Weapon Wand
Ruofl Staff 75 Common 2,290,000 Weapon Staff
Arcadia Wand 85 Common 2,580,000 Weapon Wand
Taris Wand 85 Common 2,900,000 Weapon Wand
Featherwing Staff 85 Common 3,000,000 Weapon Staff
Holyous Staff 85 Common 3,380,000 Weapon Staff
Icon Name LV Rarity Price Category Subcategory
Setien Bow 55 Common 460,000 Weapon Bow
Repoyit 55 Common 460,000 Weapon Yoyo
Varife Bow 64 Common 810,000 Weapon Bow
Gelonde 64 Common 810,000 Weapon Yoyo
Wingfull 70 Common 1,220,000 Weapon Yoyo
Defnan Bow 70 Common 1,220,000 Weapon Bow
Anakun 75 Common 2,270,000 Weapon Yoyo
Hydron Bow 75 Common 2,270,000 Weapon Bow
Cenatin Bow 85 Common 2,970,000 Weapon Bow
Circern 85 Common 2,970,000 Weapon Yoyo
Cyron Bow 85 Common 3,340,000 Weapon Bow
Mishend 85 Common 3,340,000 Weapon Yoyo

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