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Revival | Madrigal Inside 1st website change log

Long time no see. We present our first big website patch with newly added “Game Data Info” related content, manually create “Guide” content, and short “Trivia” content in 1 1/2 years.

We will post this kind of post also in the feature as soon as big updates have been made (since the last website change log).

So have fun reading.

Errors can be submitted directly to me on Discord ‘tacota0158’.

Table of Contents

Added GAME DATA INFO related content

  • By filtering the lists at Game data info you now create a link you could share with other players.

1. Regarding all listed Items:

Regarding individual item detail pages:

  • Added a new line: Ultimate Convertible (yes/no)
  • Added a dropdown menu “Possible Random Stats” for Ultimate Weapons
  • Added a dropdown menu “Item Dismantel” for Jewelry and Ultimate Weapons
  • Non-ultimate and their ultimate version weapon are listed on the same page like Lusaka’s Axe
  • Added a dropdown menu “Equipment Set” to Ultimate Jewelry
  • Added: “Exchangable in the following NPC exchanges” to Ultimate Jewelry and some other items
  • Added a function to jewelry for entering the level you want to show
  • Added “Counterparts” to set pieces

2. Regarding all listed Monsters:

  • Added all monsters and their pictures from the 1.5.4 – 2024/08/15  – API
  • Monsters (NPCs, and questitems) now all have a new location map with blue marker spawn points like this example.
  • You can now search the monsters up to level 160
  • Master and Hero 50% EXP modifier (half EXP) can now selected in the monster list filter
  • The rank filter options are now sorted in an order that makes more sense as follows: Small, Normal, Captain, Giant, Boss, Super, Violet, World Boss, Material

Regarding individual monster detail pages:

  • The drop tables are shown again, and can now be searched, and filtered by rarity.
  • EXP calculation can be set for Master/Heros (half EXP)
  • Added line: Event (yes/no)
  • Added line: Fire/Water/Wind/Earth/Electricity Resistance with the in-game icon and proper text to avoid confusion.
  • Added a dropdown menu “Related Quests”
  • Added a dropdown menu “Related Dungeons”
  • Added a dropdown menu “Applied Skills”
  • Added a dropdown menu “Summend Monsters”
  • Added a dropdown menu “Avenge”
  • Dungeon monsters with the same names (because of difficulty levels) are listed on the same page like Caveman Chief.

3. Regarding all listed Skills:

  • Added all skills and icons from the 1.5.4 – 2024/08/15  – API
  • Added new filter opinion: Debuff (yes/no)
  • Added new filter opinion: Flying (yes/no)

4. Regarding all listed Equipment Sets (with stats):

  • Added all missing armor sets as well as the jewelry sets from the 1.5.4 – 2024/08/15  – API
  • Updated the set stats of the level 120 PvE and PvP sets
  • You can now search the Equipments Sets up to level 160
  • Added the missing level 120-160 armor set pictures (shown by hovering over the set name)
  • Added filter option to select between Jewelry and Armor

5. Regarding all listed Quests:

  • Added all missing quests from the 1.5.4 – 2024/08/15  – API to the existing picture tabs like The Wilds to Dungeon Quests
  • Added a global quest search function to the filter
  • The job change quest pages are now accessible again
  • Added 2 new quest tabs (with a NPC picture): Master/Hero, and Daily Quests (Forsaken Tower quests)
    • They are now ordered in 2 rows with the 4 most important categories in the first row

Regarding individual quest detail pages:

  • EXP calculations can now be set up to level 160.

6. Regarding all listed NPCs:

  • Added all missing NPCs and their pictures from the 1.5.4 – 2024/08/15  – API
  • You can now use the search function again

7. Regarding all listed Raised Pets:

  • Is now linked to the manually created page with all background information.

8. Added new pages:

Added manually created pages (GUIDES related content)

  • Added linked picture boxes for all subpages like it was already for Game Data Info

Added short trivia content (GUIDES related content)

25 basic class Guides

You can now find 25 class guides (10 1st and 15 2nd class) on our Home page under “Quick links“, at Beginner Guidesand at Guides

A big shoutout to the German YouTuber and streamer Spielestyler for publishing detailed class guide videos on YouTube (in German), which these guides are based on.

Do you like my website and want to make it bigger?

Then be so kind as to recommend it to other players on Discord and in-game.


Yours sincerely Tacota

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The 1.6.0 API data is online. Unfortunately, there are currently some difficulties in creating the detail pages for the new item pages, but you can already see the description and some models by hovering over the names.