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Basic 1vs1 Assist Guide

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If you already had your 2nd job change here is the guide for 1vs1 Billposter.

Stat Points “H” and General Strategy

For the 1vs1 variant. Personally, we would recommend going with the AoE Assist, as we believe it’s much stronger in the early game. From feedback from other players, the 1vs1 Assist isn’t as effective, except for specific cases like Burst Crack, which is the only skill I’ve consistently seen positive feedback about.

However, we understand that not everyone can play with an AoE build, especially if you’re playing on a mobile device or under specific circumstances. If you still want to go with the 1vs1 Assist, we would recommend going full STR. This will make sense as we discuss skill choices.

Skill Points “K”

The Assist class has some lesser-known but highly effective combat skills. One of these is Temping Hole, available at level 15. This skill allows you to deliver a powerful strike to the enemy with a short cooldown of one second, making it perfect for spamming. Maxing out this skill is crucial for leveling early on. It’s scaling with STR.

Why focus on Temping Hole? In the early levels, your character lacks the hit rate, critical chance, and damage needed for auto-attacks to be effective. Skills like Temping Hole, which guarantee consistent hits, are invaluable because they bypass these issues. You can rely on them to deal damage every time without worrying about misses or blocks. This makes Temping Hole an excellent choice for leveling, and you can continue using it effectively until level 60.

Eventually, you might consider transitioning to auto-attacks. If so, you’ll need to adjust your skill points accordingly. Keep in mind that investing heavily in combat skills like Temping Hole means you’ll have fewer skill points for buffs. However, buffs are still essential, so it’s important to balance your build.

As a double Assist, you have the advantage of both support and self-buffs. Beef Up significantly increases your damage, while Patience Heap Up (HP) and Quick Step (Speed) enhance your survivability and mobility. If you plan to switch to auto-attacks later, prioritize Quick Step, Patience, and Heap Up. At level 30, you can start working on your auto-attack build, focusing on Haste and Accuracy along with your buffs. By level 30, with these skills maxed out, auto-attacks should become a viable option.

At this point, you can decide whether to continue using Temping Hole or transition fully to auto-attacks.


As always, the rare Shields (Light, Battle, Fury, Heavy, Avalon Shield) are your best bet with all stats +1~4. They provide additional all stats+ bonuses and have a high defense value, making them extremely useful. While they are somewhat rare, they’re not impossible to find. Having one is a great asset, but it’s not the end of the world if you don’t manage to get one early on.


When it comes to knuckles, the choice of weapon is somewhat less critical. Generally speaking, Rare Knuckles aren’t bad due to their high attack value. However, knuckles can be a bit tricky because their base attackis relatively low. For example, at lower levels like 26, there aren’t many knuckles available with significant attack.

The first knuckle that actually offers STR+3 and Attack Speed+5% bonuses is the Steel Knuckle, which can be quite beneficial for both Temping Hole and auto-attacks. However, it’s important to note that the Steel Knuckle has a very low Attack value, around 106-108. For comparison, the Entanale Knuckle (knuckle from a quest) offers an Attack value of 126-128. While the Steel Knuckle’s 5% Attack Speed bonus might be good for auto-attacks, it might not be sufficient for Temping Hole-focused playstyle.

As you progress and your Attack values increase to around 150-160, the Steel Knuckle’s bonuses may no longer compensate for its lower Attack. Therefore, while the Steel Knuckle can be a decent option early on, you might eventually want to switch to a knuckle with higher base Attack.


The Level 15 Sardine/Curus Set isn’t necessary if you’re focusing on Temping Hole since it primarily reduces FP/MP consumption, which isn’t a major concern. The set’s benefits quickly diminish as you reach higher levels, and better gear becomes available.

At level 30, the Talin/Sayram Set becomes a more viable option. This set offers 10% Hit rate, 7% Critical Chance, and another 10% Attack Speed, which is a solid combination for both Temping Hole and auto-attacks. With this set, you can maximize important buffs like Heap Up, Haste, and possibly even Beef Up and Cannon Ball. This setup provides a strong foundation for both playstyles, although it does require more investment in terms of skills and gear.

If you’re following a Temping Hole build, you can actually play effectively without relying heavily on gear. The main focus should be on having enough defense to avoid dying. While it’s a bit more challenging to play this way, it’s definitely worthwhile if you plan to continue using Temping Hole.

For Supportive Builds, the Wedge/Flury Set isn’t very useful as its benefits don’t apply to Temping Hole. The set’s reduced MP consumption is also irrelevant. After level 50, there’s the CW Rashadain/Yuandain Set (Clockworks Set), which offers excellent defense, 100 additional damage, and a 10% Critical Chance bonus. This set is more suited for AoE builds, making it interesting for those focusing on Burst Crack. For 1vs1 auto-attacks Talin/Sayram Set would be enough.


Jewelry choices are straightforward. If you’re playing with Temping Hole, focus on Vigor Ring +3 and Demol Earring +3. If you switch to auto-attacks, Vigor or Arek Ring +3 and Gore Necklace +3.

Final Thoughts

In summary, your choice between a Temping Hole skill build and an auto-attack build will determine your equipment and skill investment. Temping Hole is sufficient for leveling, and you can either continue using it until level 60 or switch to auto-attacks as you see fit. Balancing skill points between Temping Hole, Power Fist, and possibly Burst Crack can be challenging, so focus on what works best for your playstyle. If you decide to incorporate auto-attacks later on, make sure your skills and gear are optimized for that transition.

Source: The Guide was originally explained by Spielestyler in his YouTube video in German.

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