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Basic HnR Magician Flame Geyser Guide

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If you already had your 2nd job change here is the guide for HnR Elementor

Flame Geyser: The Hit-and-Run Skill

Flame Geyser is a level 25 fire skill available to Magicians. Magicians have three skills from each element, and apart from one, all of them deal damage with additional effects. The additional effect of Flame Geyser is Damage Over Time (DoT), lasting for 15 seconds when the skill is maxed at level 20. This means that for 15 seconds, the skill deals damage once per second, totaling 15 instances of damage in addition to the initial hit. This makes Flame Geyser incredibly powerful, especially against wind monsters. Depending on your equipment and other factors, you might be able to one-shot a monster. The only downside is that the monster doesn’t die instantly but rather from the DoT effect over the course of those 15 seconds. The more damage you do, the faster it will die; with less damage, it will take the full 15 seconds.

Example of Flame Geyser

To illustrate, let us demonstrate this: You’re currently at level 59 with Ringmaster buffs, attacking level 52 wind monsters Captain Leyana. When you hit the monster with Flame Geyser, it takes an initial 3,500 damage. Over the next 15 seconds, it will take 500 damage per second, totaling 7,500 damage. Combined with the initial hit, that’s well over 10,000 damage, which is more than the monster’s 9,700 HP. This means you can attack the monster once and move on to the next one while the first monster dies from the DoT. As you can see, the monsters simply fall one after another with minimal effort from you, making this a very effective leveling strategy.

Comparison to Moonbeam Leveling Tactics

This tactic is very similar to the leveling strategy used with Moon Beam when playing as a Full INT Assist (FS Support), who typically can’t deal much direct damage. The main difference is that Flame Geyser is much more effective against wind monsters due to its fire element, which is strong against wind monsters. As a result, Flame Geyser deals significantly more damage to wind monsters, often enough to one-shot them with just a single use of the skill. However, this depends on various factors, such as your equipment and buffs.

Ideal Conditions for Flame Geyser Effectiveness

Flame Geyser is likely best suited for players who already have a main character. With the support of a Ringmaster, especially one providing Spirit Fortune, the chances of successfully one-shotting a monster with Flame Geyser increase significantly. While it’s not impossible to achieve this as a first character, you may need to rely on consumables. Fortunately, the game provides a moderate amount of consumables, especially if you’re lucky with daily rewards (when you are logged in 40 minutes, Key-“u” to collect the items). The most useful consumables in this context are Low Upcut Stone, and Elixir of the Fox, which are accessible even for free-to-play players for Penya at the Cash Shop.

That said, if you already have an established character, achieving one-shots with Flame Geyser becomes much easier.

Finding Wind Monsters

Unfortunately, the first wind monsters that are suitable for leveling with Flame Geyser don’t appear until around level 35, starting with Small Hobo. This is frustrating because the Mars Dungeon, a popular leveling spot up to around level 27 or 28, contains no wind monsters. However, once you reach the Small/Captain Hobo monsters, you can begin effectively using this strategy.

From there, you can move on to Maid/Card Puppets, and other popular leveling spots where wind monsters are abundant. These monsters have a good density for grinding, and quests in these areas are also important for progression.

Challenges and Considerations

When leveling in areas like the Garden of Rhisis, be mindful of ranged enemies like Basque, which can shoot back as soon as you attack. In these situations, you’ll need to keep moving, or this leveling tactic won’t be effective.

Finally, as you reach higher levels, wind monsters like all types of Leyena in Darkon 1, Steel Knight and all types of Risem are still viable targets, but the HP of monsters increases significantly, making one-shots with Flame Geyser more challenging. At some point, you are most likely becoming the next job Psykeeper or Elementor and don’t level with Flame Geyser anymore.

What We’ve Learned

In summary, if you have good equipment, a Ringmaster for support, and potentially use consumables or party enhancements like Link Attack, you should generally be able to one-shot monsters with Flame Geyser. If you find that this isn’t working—perhaps due to the absence of consumables, Link Attack, or support—you can simply cast Flame Geyser twice and let the monsters die from the Damage Over Time (DoT) effect.

Flame Geyser vs. Different Monster Types

Against wind monsters, this strategy is particularly effective. However, it got tested against non-wind monsters, and while it can still work if you have significant damage output, you’ll often need to use at least two skills—sometimes even three. In these cases, it might not be as efficient, and you might be better off leveling using the appropriate other elemental skills for those monsters. Therefore, Flame Geyser is primarily a tactic to be used against wind monsters.

Effective Use of Consumables

If you have excellent equipment, you can employ this tactic on other monster types as well, but the strategy remains simple and akin to using Moonbeam. It works exceptionally well when you’re using consumables. However, we’re not advocating for spending all your money on consumables before level 60. You do receive some consumables from events, logins, and other sources. We suggest you save these consumables for when you’re in an area with wind monsters. Even if the monsters are only a couple of levels above you, one-shotting them and moving quickly from one target to the next can be very effective.

Combining Flame Geyser with Blinkpool

This strategy can also be combined with Blinkpool to move faster between targets, although it consumes skill points. Whether or not you max out Blinkpool is up to you. It’s worth noting that while Blinkpool can be helpful, it’s not essential if your positioning and gear are good.

Optimizing for Experience Points (EXP)

If the monsters are just a few levels above you, you might think that tackling monsters 6-7 levels above would yield better EXP. In reality, it won’t, because the sheer number of lower-level monsters you can kill per hour with this method outweighs the EXP from higher-level monsters. Additionally, you’ll gather more loot in the process. Although this might not seem significant before level 60, where full inventories aren’t worth much like 300,000 Penya, it can still make your grinding more efficient. When using Consumables, just make sure you’re near wind monsters to maximize the efficiency of Flame Geyser and level up quickly.

Essential Tips for Maximizing Flame Geyser Damage

One key strategy that can greatly enhance your effectiveness with the Flame Geyser skill is obtaining weapons with increased skill damage for Flame Geyser. If you manage to get a weapon, like a Branch of Rhisis or any good NPC weapon with added Flame Geyser damage, it will save you from needing to rely on consumables. This will significantly increase your chances of landing one-hit kills on monsters. So, if you come across any wand or staff with Flame Geyser damage, grab it! It will make dishing out those one-hit kills much easier.

Key Factors for Successful One-Shots

To recap the main points:

  • Skill Damage on Weapons: Prioritize weapons that enhance your Flame Geyser damage.
  • Support: Having a supporter, even if it’s not a Ringmaster, is crucial. If you don’t have a healer, make sure to have good food; otherwise, it will be extremely challenging to survive.
  • Focus on Wind Monsters: The Flame Geyser tactic works best against wind monsters. While it might theoretically work against other elements, you’ll need much higher damage output and possibly more than one skill to take them down. Whether it’s worth it depends on your specific situation, so you’ll need to experiment to see if it’s efficient for you. However, for wind monsters, this method is highly effective and enjoyable, albeit a bit more demanding.

The Trade-Offs of Faster Leveling

In general, in Flyff, the faster a method is, the more challenging it tends to be. This means you’ll either need better equipment, better preparations, or be ready to put in more effort. For example, if you’re going to engage 30 monsters at once and let them die from Damage Over Time (DoT), you’ll earn significantly more EXP, but you’ll also need to be much more cautious. A single mistake, like pausing for a second, could be fatal. That’s the trade-off in Flyff—you have to balance speed with risk.

Source: The Guide was originally explained by Spielestyler in his YouTube video in German.

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