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Update Oct. 22th | Battle for Madrigal Expansion

Battle for Madrigal Expansion (Flyff Universe Version 1.4.0) Coming Tomorrow (October 17, Post-Maintenance) 

In this blog post, you’ll find direct links to detailed pages covering all the exciting updates that come with this expansion.

Once the expansion goes live, we will update these pages with additional information as soon as possible.                  

Overview of all added and edited pages on our website

  1. New page: Madrigal Tournament
  2. New page: Couple System (window can be opened with key , )
    1. Update Oct. 17: Added this picture of the ring overview with additional data
  3. Added: The 3rd point on our Ultimate Weapon page “Ultimate Jewels”
    1. Update Oct. 17: Added this picture with more information about the Different types of jewels and runes
  4. Added: The 6th point on our Raised Pets-System page “Train your raised pets”
    1. Update Oct. 17: Added this picture with an Overview of the Feed interval, time to rank up and saving hours
  5. Added: The 3rd point on our Housing-System page “NPC Cosmetics” and “Train your raised pets”
  6. Added: The 6th point on our Rainbow Race page “Rainbow Race enhancements”
  7. Added: The 5th point on our Secret Room & Forsaken Tower page “Floor 6 and 7”
    1. Update Oct. 17:
      1. Updated this picture of the Forsaken Tower Quest overview
      2. Updated this picture for the 5th floor
      3. Added this picture for the 6th floor
      4. Added this picture for the 7th floor
  8. Added: “Brilliant Amethyst” to our Create Unique Weapon page
    1. Update Oct. 17: Updated this picture with the success rate of the Brilliant Amethyst
  9. Added: New “Sunstone”, “Jewels/ Runes” and “Brilliant Amethyst” spots to our Monster drops by level range page

Update Oct. 22th - Implemented API Content and addtional things

We implemented the 1.6.0 – 2024/10/16 – Data update and API update for Battle for Madrigal expansion, with all it’s items, monsters, NPCs, quests, skills, etc

  1. Item select boxes now show their content 
  2. Item Gift boxes now show their content and probabilities 
  3. Exchanged the Daily Quest thumbnaill and changed the name to Tower/Couple Daily Quest
    1. Added Forsaken Tower F6+7 and couple quests

We updated this picture in the Reborn Dungeon and the Wilds page

Other changes

Bug Fixes

– Monster special attacks on the ground are no longer obstructed by terrain or other objects, and always appear on top of everything.

– Fixed various grammatical errors in system messages.

General Changes

– Sunstones now drop in all cursed dungeons, at a higher chance than in the Wilds dungeon.

– Added a new item, “Brilliant Amethyst” which is a version of “Amethyst” with a higher success chance, droppable in all cursed versions of dungeons, as well as the Wilds.

– Removed Mid Cage Key drops from cursed dungeons.

– Slightly reduced the drop rate of High Cage Keys in Nightmare dungeons.

– The mobile main menu has been improved and now wraps across two rows.

– Revamped the visuals of clouds in between continents, more resembling a sea of clouds.

Balance Changes

– Reduced the damage of all explode-on-death mechanics, including the Saphyryan Hounds in Storm Peak.

– Reduced the damage of Cursed Storm Peak monsters.

– Increased Kalgas’ HP in Kalgas Assault to 1.5B (from 1.0B).

– Increased Artifact HP in Kalgas Assault to 100M (from 50M).

– Secret Room now contains more powerful monsters, going up to level 160.


– The items, Brilliant Amethys, Ultimate Jewel Box, and Ultimate Jewel Gemstones will have half the drop rate on FWC servers.

(i.e. they will have the same drop rate regardless of server)

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Yours sincerely Tacota

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Page Update

Discover the New Global Quest Search Tab!

Great news for all adventurers! A brand-new Global Quest Search tab has been added to the Quest page, making it easier than ever to find the perfect quest. You can now search through all 600+ quests by quest name, your level, level tolerance, and even rewards.

The 1.6.0 API data is online. Unfortunately, there are currently some difficulties in creating the detail pages for the new item pages, but you can already see the description and some models by hovering over the names.