Logo Wiki alone 1.2


Tip: You can sort the items, for example, alphabetically by name by clicking on the column headers.
Tip 2: You can see all in-game models for different categories like ‘All Speed Fashion Sets‘ or ‘All Pick-Up Pets‘ with our pre-made filter.

Note: These are the items that got into the game after the last API update and don’t have a detail page.

Tip: By clicking on the blue names you can see the models as a 360° spinning gif. New Items will be added at the bottom of the table.

Important items mean that no set parts are listed, but the whole set (box).

Icon Name Description
Item Change Package
A package containing 1x Scroll of Reduction A, 1x Scroll of Reduction B and 1x Item Transy B. All items are also linked.
Power Up Box
A package containing 5x Power Scroll, 5x Potion Select Box, 5x Flask Select Box and 5x Grilled Eel. All items are also linked.
Wickedstein Costume Lucky Box
This box contains a Wickedstein Set with Speed Bonus. You can select your gender after opening the Lucky Box.
Fashion set
Fashion set
Fashion set
Fashion set
Fashion set
Fashion set
Fashion set
Fashion set
Fashion set
Fashion set
Fashion set
Fashion set
Fashion set
Fashion set
Necromancer Costume Lucky Box
This box contains a Necromancer Set with Speed Bonus. You can select your gender after opening the Lucky Box.
Fashion set
Fashion set
Fashion set
Fashion set
Fashion set
Fashion set
Fashion set
Fashion set
Fashion set
Fashion set
Fashion set
Fashion set
Pick-up Pet (from the Necromancer collection)
Pick-up Pet (from the Necromancer collection)
Pick-up Pet (from the Necromancer collection)
Pick-up Pet (from the Necromancer collection)
Pick-up Pet (from the Necromancer collection)
Pick-up Pet (from the Necromancer collection)

No new items on Nov 7th

Views: 189048

New blog post!

Battle for Madrigal Part 2 Expansion

Battle for Madrigal Expansion (Flyff Universe Version 1.4.1) Got released (Nov 28, Post-Maintenance)  

In this blog post, you’ll find direct links to detailed pages and API changes covering all the exciting updates of this expansion.

I will update these pages/ this blog post with additional information as soon as possible.  

Dear Visitor,

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Ads are shown only outside in the sidebar, not in the content, to not annoy too much.

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Thank you so much for your support!

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Yours sincerely Tacota

The 1.6.0 API data is online. Unfortunately, there are currently some difficulties in creating the detail pages for the new item pages, but you can already see the description and some models by hovering over the names.