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Scorched Meteonyker

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Scorched Meteonyker (Lv. 120)

Other languages
German Scorched Meteonyker
France Meteonyker Roussi
Korean 불탄 메테오니커
Location: Volkane
ID 8013
Warning: Undefined property: stdClass::$rank in /users/madrigalinside/www/madrigalinside-com/wp-content/plugins/project-m/public/partials/madrigalinside-public-monster-details.php on line 225
Area Dungeon
Element Fire
Element Resistance

-30% Water Resistance (Takes more damage)

+30% Wind Resistance (Takes less damage)

Booty Gray Crystal
0.0022 % for Lv.
Experience Sharing Normal
Penya Drop 188 ~ 274 Penya
Event No
Flying No
Run away No
HP 180,000
Attack 3,542 ~ 3,671

# Attack Value Attack Range Target Trigger Skill
Attack 1 3,542~3,661 2 Single -
Attack 2 3,542~3,661 1 Single -
Attack 3 3,550~3,671 2 Single -

Views: 496

New blog post!

Battle for Madrigal Part 2 Expansion

Battle for Madrigal Expansion (Flyff Universe Version 1.4.1) Got released (Nov 28, Post-Maintenance)  

In this blog post, you’ll find direct links to detailed pages and API changes covering all the exciting updates of this expansion.

I will update these pages/ this blog post with additional information as soon as possible.  

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Yours sincerely Tacota

The 1.6.0 API data is online. Unfortunately, there are currently some difficulties in creating the detail pages for the new item pages, but you can already see the description and some models by hovering over the names.