In Safe Hands

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Description Ask Capafe for Sury's Pendant.
Begin NPC Sury
End NPC [Billposter Guardian] Capafe
Location Darkon 3
Level: 100~140
Complete Quest: Sury's Realization
Penya: 120,000
EXP: 15% for Lv. 100
Chain Quest Yes
Repeatable No
Removable Yes
Party Share Yes

Begin This Shard, it has made everything so much clearer! I have recovered the part of myself that I lost along the way. I was once Roentel, Hero Billposter…
I now see the gravity of this situation…the peril that Madrigal is truly in. I understand why Reonan is seeking us out!
First, could you perhaps complete one favor for me? I left my pendant to Capafe before I decided to isolate myself up here on this mountain to train.
Accept Thank you yet again! Capafe should have the pendant. Go and ask her if she could return it.
Decline This pendant is an important symbol of trust, you must acquire it!
Complete I'm glad to hear that Sury has reached this realization.
Fail Capafe should have the pendant. Go and inquire about it.