Over Encumbered

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Over Encumbered

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Remnant of Ishirut Part 3
  1. Jeepers Creepers
  2. Over Encumbered
  3. Petrified Wood
  4. A Shocking Conclusion

Description Collect 10 Dungeoneer's Pack and 1 Broken Sword.
Begin NPC Rhisis Catacombs Guard
End NPC Rhisis Catacombs Guard
Location Garden of Rhisis
Level: 55~140
Complete Quest: Jeepers Creepers
Collect 10x Dungeoneer's Pack
Collect 1x Broken Sword
EXP: 23% for Lv. 55
Items: 1x Extra Bag (15 days) (soul linked)
Chain Quest Yes
Repeatable No
Removable Yes
Party Share Yes

Begin One thing still troubles me though.. The thick webbing around the entrance can be explained by the spiders, but what creature could have such loud, stomping footsteps?
Accept Go deeper into the ruins and find out what is making that loud thumping noise.
Decline I won't blame you for avoing whatever beast awaits the next group of adventurers. It sounds big..
Complete Sadly it seems the adventurers all fell to the power of the the massive gorilla inside the ruins.. I believe the group would have wanted you to finish what they set out to do. Here, take their belongings. Perhaps it will help.
Fail Investigate the loud sound of footsteps within the catacombs.