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Battle Pass System

You can open the Battle Pass window by clicking ‘V.’

With the Battle Pass system, you can complete various missions to earn points to level up your Battle Pass Grade. Each time you level up, you will be able to get different types of rewards. The maximum level is 30, so you need 3000 Points in total. 


  • On the 1st of each month the previous Battle Pass expires and a new one with new missions and rewards stats, so make sure to claim all rewards at the end of the month.
  • Also, after you reach level 80 you will get way better items.
  • The second row gives better or double as much items and is gettable by buying the Extended Battle Pass for 1,00 fCoins

In order to level up, you need to gather 100 points through different missions. Missions are divided into daily, weekly, and season. You can obtain up to 1,000 points per week and the points are only valid for the season that the Battle Pass is open.

Tip: Most of the missions are always the same. And that helps you massively for each month.

  • Each day you get always 30 Points, by staying online for 60 min in total
  • Each week you get always 100 points for login 3 days in a row
  • Each season (month) you get always 200 points if you logged in 15 times in total

So just by logging in each day and staying online for 60 minutes you get (30×28) + (100×4) + 200 = 1440 Points of 3000 needed.

You can also purchase a special “Extended Battle Pass” item for 1,000 fCoins for even more rewards!
This Extended is also valid for that specific season when it is purchased.

New since august 2024 | Rewards after reaching Battle Pass level 30

After you reach level 30 of the Battle Pass, you can receive repeated rewards per 100 points you gain from completing the missions. (Please note that the weekly 1,000-point limit will still be applied)

Starter Pass

There also is a Starter Pass which gives you ones additional items when buying an additional Extended Pass for 500 fCoins. 

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