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Basic 1vs1 Billposter Guide

Table of Contents

If you need help with the Assist class, we have the 1vs1 Assist guide to assist you.


Do you want to become a 1v1 Billposter? Then this guide is for you! Before we dive in, this guide is mainly aimed at free-to-play players. That means we assume you’re not using consumables, you don’t have a high-level Ringmaster, and your equipment is either average, poor, or nonexistent. We always start from the absolute minimum, not the maximum – this is an important point to keep in mind.

Other than that, We can say that the one-vs-one Billposter is one of the easiest classes to set up. There’s really only one thing to keep an eye on, which is slightly more specific compared to other classes, but it’s nothing too complicated. Let’s take a closer look at it together. Have fun, and we hope you learn something new.

Stat Points "H"

We’re assuming you’ve already reached level 60 and completed the Billposter job change, or at least you’re a level 60 Assist. This means we’re starting directly as a Billposter. If you still need information on the Assist class, we will have a separate Assist guide that we will link, when it’s done.

Now, let’s talk about stat points. It’s pretty straightforward. Some guides used 50 DEX points, but you don’t need those 50 Dex points. Why? As a Billposter, especially in the early stages, your main goal is to reach 100% attack speed. This is the key stat you’re likely missing, especially since your Assist buffs from your supporter probably won’t be strong enough to give you 100% attack speed yet. Therefore, you’ll need to add some Dex to help.

Usually, with weaker buffs, 77 Dex will get you to 100% attack speed, although it depends on the exact setup. Later on, this won’t be a problem once you have better buffs and more advanced gear. When your supporter becomes a Ringmaster, Dex won’t be necessary at all.

This is why you shouldn’t invest in Dex for the long run. You don’t want to waste money on a stat reset later. As a free-to-play player, you want to avoid wasting FCoin or millions of Penya on something you’ll only need for a few levels. So, you should invest only in STR and find other ways to get the necessary Dex, which will be discussed further in the guide. So we recommend to stat your character Full STR.

Skill Points "K"

Now let’s move on to the most important skills for a one-vs-one Billposter. To summarize, there’s really only one essential skill: Asmodeus. This skill increases your attack power by enhancing your melee knuckle attacks.

At level 10, Asmodeus increases your attack by 250 and adds 10% block penetration. The block penetration isn’t the most exciting stat, but it slightly boosts your overall damage. So, Asmodeus is a long-lasting self-buff that you only need to activate occasionally.

By the way, you’ll need the item Skill Posters for this skill. If your skill isn’t working and you get a message saying you need a Skill Poster, go to the [General] NPC Lui and buy some Skill Posters. They’re very cheap, and you can stock up to 9,999, so you won’t have to worry about it for a long time.

Additional Skills

Aside from Asmodeus, another useful skill for a one-vs-one Billposter is Stonehand. This skill gives you a chance to stun your opponent with every auto-attack or skill. It’s not absolutely necessary for one-vs-one combat, but it can be helpful if you’re struggling with HP or survivability, as it can prevent your enemy from attacking. However, it doesn’t directly increase your damage, so it’s not a must-have.

Other skills worth mentioning are Baraqijal Esna and Blood Fist.

  • Baraqijal Esna is a debuff that increases the damage your target takes by 10%. However, it also raises the target’s attack power by 10%, so it’s a trade-off—you deal more damage, but the enemy also hits harder. Be careful when using this skill, especially in group situations. Make sure to communicate with your team before using it to avoid unnecessary deaths.
  • Blood Fist is another debuff that reduces the target’s attack speed and casting time. It’s not as strong as Baraqijal Esna, but it can be useful in specific situations, particularly against bosses or giants. However, its duration is short—only 10 seconds on bosses—so you need to consider if it’s worth using.


When considering attack speed, especially at lower levels where you might still struggle to reach the necessary 77 Dex, a Cloak of Precision is highly recommended. This cloak provides 8 Dex, which can be incredibly helpful if you’re still working on boosting your attack speed. Once you no longer need the Dex for attack speed, you can switch to a Cloak of Strong or any other cloak that better suits your needs.


As for pets, generally, a Billposter lacks Critical Chance.

This means that most Billposter will need to rely on a Critical Chance Pet called Angel Cage, especially if you’re not stacking consumables like Potion of Recklessness (+10% Critical Chance), Green Cotton Candy (+3 Dex), or Elixir/Flask of the Rabbit (+10/20 Dex). While a Critical Damage Pet could be beneficial in certain situations where you’re heavily using consumables, most players, especially at lower levels, will find that a Critical Chance Pet is more affordable and practical. Critical Chance Pet are generally much cheaper than Critical Damage Pets and more accessible for free-to-play players.


When it comes to gear, the one vs one Billposter is a very straightforward class. Our recommendation is to upgrade your set to a maximum of +6 until you reach the Rody/Rodey Set. If you’re struggling with Power Diece and don’t have much Penya to spend, a +5 set will suffice, as it’s affordable and relatively easy to achieve. Power Dice can be farmed, and the materials to upgrade to +5 can be bought from other players for as little as 5,000 Penya.

If you have a bit more money, you can push for +6 but don’t get too hung up on this. Stick with +5 or +6 until you reach the Rody/Rodey Set. Ideally, upgrading to +8 is better, but the cost starts to rise significantly, and it may not be worth the investment unless you have extra money. Additionally, We recommend using a maximum of three sockets with Lightning card 4%, which are inexpensive. However, four sockets become quite costly, so three should be your goal.

Also, try to buy pre-upgraded gear whenever possible. Look for the Talin/Sayram Set that’s already upgraded to +7 or +8 if your budget allows, but at the very least, you can comfortably upgrade to +5 or +6 on your own. Socketing can be more challenging, so don’t stress too much about achieving four sockets right away—two sockets will be enough for the early stages. 

Set Progression

  • Talin/Sayram Set (Level 30): This is your starter set and is equivalent to the Comet/Cylos Set for mercenaries. It provides 10% Hitrate, 7% Critical Chance, and 10% Attack Speed—perfect for a one-vs-one Assist or Billposter. You’ll use this set until level 74.
  • Alext/Ales Set (Level 75): At level 75, you’ll transition to this set, which is essentially an upgraded version of the Talin Set. It gives 15% Hitrate, 15% Attack Speed, and 15% Critical. This set also has better defense stats, making it an excellent choice until level 105.
  • Rody/Rodey Set (Level 105): This Set offers significant upgrades with 20% Critical Chance, 20% Attack Speed, and 40% Critical Damage bonuses. This is the point where Critical Damage becomes more important, and this set will carry you through to higher levels. Ideally, upgrade it to +8 with 16% Attack (4 Lightning Card 4%) as a minimum.
  • Ouken/Oukest Set (Level 135): Once you reach level 135, you’ll switch to this Set. This set provides a massive 30% Critical Chance, 20% Attack Speed, and 55% Critical Damage, along with an additional 20 STR. It’s an obvious upgrade that you should aim for as soon as possible. Again, aim for at least +8 with 16% Atack as a baseline, but pushing for higher levels and upgrades will pay off in the long run.

This Ouken/Oukest Set will last you until level 160, as the newest Tigraknar/Tigressa Set or (level 150) is still extremely expensive and out of reach for most players. This set provides a massive 35% Critical Chance, 20% Attack Speed, and 65% Critical Damage, along with an additional 30 STR., but the Ouken/Oukest set remains the go-to option for most players due to its affordability and performance.

Weapons (Knuckle)

Importance of 100% Attack Speed and the 77 DEX Threshold

When it comes to reaching 100% attack speed, many players worry about hitting the 77 DEX breakpoint. However, this concern may not be as significant as you think. If you’re using a Guardian Knuckle (G-Knuckle) and have a Full Support character assisting you, you won’t have any attack speed issues. The problem arises when you can’t afford the G-Knuckle. In that case, it’s crucial to keep the 77 DEX threshold in mind.

For those on a tighter budget, the level 60 alternative, the Yakadain Knuckle, is a great option. It’s affordable, often found for under 1 million Penya, and provides +5 STR and a 20% hit rate, making it a solid choice despite having slightly lower base attack power compared to the Guardian Knuckle.

Guardian Knuckle vs. Yakadain Knuckle

The Guardian Knuckle is superior in terms of attack speed and overall DPS due to its higher base attack power. However, the Yakadain Knuckle has its advantages, particularly the increased hit rate, which can also contribute to consistent DPS, especially in low-budget builds.

That said, the Guardian Knuckle is often quite expensive, so for those who can’t afford it, the Yakadain Knuckle is a reliable alternative. With the Guardian Knuckle, you’ll benefit from 15% Attack Speed, and 15% HP, and a much better base Attack value, which is valuable for facing tough enemies like giants. Ultimately, your choice depends on your budget—either stick with the Yakadain Knuckle for an economical build or invest in the Guardian Knuckle for more consistent DPS.

Later Weapons

Beyond level 60, the Knuckle progression becomes relatively straightforward but also unremarkable. At level 75, you’ll use the Historic Knuckle, followed by the Angel Glove at 90, Legendary Golden Glove at level 105, then the Bloody Knuckle at level 120.

At level 150, things become more expensive and complicated, with two high-end options: The Fist of Tides (Knuckle of Hernes’) and the Lusaka’s Crystal Fist. Both weapons are exceedingly rare and expensive due to their powerful stats and recent updates.

Fist of Tides vs Bloody Knuckle

While both high-level knuckles are formidable, they come with a hefty price tag. If you manage to obtain one, you’ll want to ensure its stats are worth the investment. The Bloody Knuckle, for example, offers 30% Critical Chance and 50% Critical damage, making it a viable choice until you can afford the top-tier knuckles. The key is to check that the Knuckle of Tides has at least 50% Critical Damage and 30% Critical Chance to truly outperform the Bloody Knuckle because the new level 150 weapons have a stat range. (Fist of Tides has for example 48%~58% Critical Chance)

For now, Bloody Knuckle remains a solid option until level 160, allowing you to comfortably progress without worrying too much about the more expensive alternatives unless you have the budget to spare. 


DEX and STR Rings, and Attack Earrings

If you need more DEX to reach the 77 DEX threshold, I recommend using two Dexion Rings. Even Dexion +1 rings provide 20 DEX, and when combined with a Cloak of Precision, you’ll gain an additional 28 DEX, putting you well on your way to the required 77 DEX. In most cases, you’ll only need minimal buffs like Cannon Ball to hit the 77 DEX mark.

For those who already have sufficient DEX (due to higher-level weapons like the Legendary Golden Glove), focus on STR rings (like Strente Rings) and Mightier earrings to boost your damage output.


In terms of necklaces, a Gore Necklace is generally your best choice, offering HP. Alternatively, if survivability is a concern, the Puran Necklace (+600 HP, not upgradable) from the Dekane Mine quest could be helpful in tougher fights.


Early-Level Shields

For early-level shields, you can mostly ignore them until you reach level 57 and obtain the Ancient Shield, which provides +4 to all stats. It’s affordable and relatively easy to find. Skip over the Shield of Ibilis (+5 to all stats), as it’s often overpriced for the minimal extra stats it offers.

Later Shields

After the Ancient Shield, the next significant upgrade is the Azure Shield, which offers +7 to all stats and a defense increase. This shield is both affordable and effective, making it a good investment.

However, the Coral Shield (+10 to all stats) is another story – it’s extremely rare and expensive, with very low drop rates, especially outside of giant hunting. For most players, it’s not a realistic option, so it’s best to focus on the Azure Shield for the foreseeable future.

Lusaka’s Crystal Shield

At level 150, the Lusaka’s Crystal Shield is the ultimate choice, +10 to all stats, +5% Critical Chance, and +5% Critical Damage. However, like the Lusaka’s Crystal Fist, it is rare and expensive, often out of reach for most players. If you can afford it, it’s the best shield for a one-vs-one build, but most players will need to make do with the Azure Shield until they can invest in this top-tier item.

Shield Bonuses

When it comes to bonuses on your shield (Cash Shop item Scroll of Shield Bonus), focus on what suits your playstyle. For one-vs-one builds, you can choose from options like block rate, damage reflection, or elemental resistance. However, since these bonuses are defensive, they’re not essential for maximizing DPS, so don’t stress too much if your shield has no additional bonus.

Socket Cards in your Knuckle and Shield

When you use the Critical Chance Pet (Angel Cage) we recommend using the Critical Damage Cards (Thorn Card).
When you use the Critical Damage Pet (King Grab Cage) we recommend using the Critical Chance Cards (Wind Card).

Assist Self Buffs to Focus on

First maximize Mental Sign, then Haste, than Accuracy. Afterwards do as you like.

Final Thoughts

In summary, focus on balancing your attack speed, hit rate, and Critical damage as you progress through the levels. Choose your knuckles and accessories based on your budget, and don’t feel pressured to upgrade to the most expensive items right away. Stick with what works for your build and upgrade when necessary – there’s no rush to get the rarest gear until you’re ready for endgame content.

Source: The Guide was originally explained by Spielestyler in his YouTube video in German.

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