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Gerneral information

There are two types of housing systems that share some similarities: Private Housing and Guild Housing. A house is a (typically empty) space for authorized players to enter and unleash your creativity, hang out with others, or show off some prized possessions. Players can purchase a wide variety of decorations and props to place around their house and make it their own. For private housing, there are also several templates to choose from! First, let’s mention some important notes about the overall system. There are two types of things you can place in a house:

1. Decoration Props…
  • do not have stats.
  • may be time-limited, meaning that the prop disappears some time after placement.
  • may be limited in quantity, meaning that you only have a certain amount available to place, and need to buy more “pieces” to place more.
  • may have a count limit, meaning that you can only place up to X amount of this prop in the house.
  • can be scaled.
  • can be rotated.
2. NPCs…
  • do have stats.
  • may be time-limited, meaning that the NPC disappears some time after placement.
  • can only be placed once in a house.
  • can be rotated.
Another common aspect between all types of houses is the preset system. If you’d like to have multiple different looks in a house, perhaps depending on the season, or purely your vibes for that day, you can create different named presets that save the placement of your props and NPCs, and switch between them at any time. Note that presets are tied to the template/map, which is explained below. Players start with a limited number of presets, which can be expanded upon using a scroll.

Note: Pang Helpers in Houses will give buffs as if they have 500 INT.

Personal Housing


Central Flarine

Purchasing a World, Props, and NPCs

Purchasable templates and NPCs (with buffs)

  • Blank World(S): 100,000,000 penya

  • Blank World(M): 200,000,000 penya

  • Beach Word(S):400,000,000 penya

  • Beach World(M): 1600 fCoins

In-game Shop:

  • [Personal House NPC] BB Wolf (7 days): Jump Height +30 7,000,000 penya

Cash Shop:

  • Personal House NPCs → about 70(7 days)/💎about 140(15 days) fCoins

    • [Personal House NPC] Alice: PvE Damage Reduction +3%

    • Not released yet [Personal House NPC] Cachu: Party Exp +10%

    • [Personal House NPC] Casanova: EXP +5%

    • [Personal House NPC] Chacha: Fly Speed +5%

    • Not released yet [Personal House NPC] Demon: HP restored on revive +500.

    • Not released yet [Personal House NPC] Gevil: MP restored on revive +100.

    • [Personal House NPC] Hatter: PvE Damage +3%

    • [Personal House NPC] Misun: Drop Rate +5%

    • [Personal House NPC] Rulu: Less EXP decreased upon death 3%

    • Not released yet [Personal House NPC] Sevil: FP restored on revive +50.

    • [Personal House NPC] Temas: Speed +5%

    • [Personal House NPC] Tino: Added Vendor Shop +1 Day

    • [Personal House NPC] Pang: Level2 Buffs limited to characters level 120 and below.

Select House Template


You can choose from multiple available house templates as your personal space. These templates are not necessarily always a “house,” but more like differently themed spaces for you to get creative in and match your personal vibe! Of course, you can switch templates at any time. Here’s a look at some examples

Note that all placements in your house will be reset every time you switch templates.

(Beach World Template, with some decorative props placed)

(Forest World Template)

(Volcano World Template)

(Fall World Template)

(Darken World Template)

(Snow World Template)

Templates come in different sizes, meaning that some templates are small, some are medium, and some are large, giving you lots of playing ground to design your dream world.

Of course, you can allow friends to visit your house and show off your masterpiece!

You also have a special place where you can decorate the interior of a house and allow visitors to leave comments in your Guest Book!”

Entering the house

Once you enter your house, you see some housing-specific UI that you can utilize.

This is the basic functionality of the UI elements:

  • The door icon is used to exit the housing area and teleport back to Madrigal.
  • The box icon is used to view all the housing objects you own and can be utilized to decorate your house.
  • The hammer & gear icon is used to toggle the editing mode for the objects in your house. In this mode, you can select the item to edit and drag the object to move, use the mouse wheel to rotate, and press the mouse wheel button and move your mouse to enlarge/shrink the object.
  • The trashcan icon removes all objects that you have placed in the house.
  • The blueprint icon is used for setting presets for the objects you place in your house.

Guest Book

There is also a guest book in front of your house where visitors can leave you messages, and you can leave a welcome message in return! Visitors can also “like” in the guest book, showing appreciation for the design of your housing zone.

Note: You have to allow each of your friends manually via Message key E to enter your house.

[Ger] In-game Pesonal Housing showcase video from the community

New since October 17 2024

NPC Cosmetics

You can dress up the Housing NPCs you have with the costumes or equipment you own! You will be able to choose what look the housing NPC will have from your Cosmetic Wardrobe. Please note that once the NPC’s usage expires the costume you’ve set will be reset.

Train your raised pets

You can train your raised pets via an NPC called Mac available from the cash shop.

This NPC will feed your raised pets at specific intervals with the relevant Pet Candy grade of the NPC. 

Please note that the NPC will be divided according to the Pet Candy grade you need and the higher grade NPC won’t be able to provide the lower grade Pet Candy to your pets.

You will need to register your pets in your housing’s objects list and you will be able to select which pet you want to raise from the NPC.

You can register up to 3 pets at the start and if you need more slots available, you will be able to purchase the item Scroll of Pet Inventory (Character House) from the cash shop to increase the slot by 1 and to have up to 15 slots.

Also, once you place the pets in your housing, they will roam freely within your housing area!

(Pet Training interface)

Overview of the Feed interval, time to rank up and saving hours

More templates to choose from

You have more templates to choose from this time, with the small (S) sized ones available via the NPC and the larger ones from the cash shop. This time there will be even larger housing templates in the manner of (L) and (XL) sizes as well!  There will also be a new cash item called “Scroll of Housing Preset” to increase your housing preset amount by 1 which goes up to 20 in case you want to use more than 1 template according to your taste and want more presets to customize to your needs.

(New housing template example)

New interaction menus available for different furniture

You also have new interaction menus available for different furniture

Furniture Type Interactions

(New housing template example)

Guild Housing

Unlike Personal Housing, guild houses do not have multiple templates to choose from. In fact, guild houses are more like guild ships! This system includes an open-world aspect, a Penya aspect, and a PvP, and PvE aspect.

(Example of a flying guild ship, owned by the guild WeLoveHomes)

That’s right, once your guild owns a “house”, it’ll be flying over Madrigal for everybody to see. Please note the following for guild houses:

  • There are a limited number of ships on each server. The availability of vacant ships will be staggered for the first 2 weeks.
  • All ships are displayed on the map and indicate whether they are owned or not.
  • All ships have a manager NPC on them.
  • Anybody can fly up to a ship and speak to the manager NPC on it.
  • If the ship is owned, members of the guild that owns the ship can immediately teleport to it through the world map or the guild window.
  • Much like personal housing, the guild house can be entered via the manager NPC on the ship you own. You can decorate it with furniture and guild house-specific NPCs that give guild-wide buffs.
    •  The furniture you can place in the guild house is still owned by the individual who placed it, and it WILL NOT be returned automatically if you leave the guild so please retrieve it before you leave a guild.
  • If the ship is owned and the owning guild allows external visitors, anybody can enter the ship through the manager NPC on it.
  • If a ship is unowned, it will display “Vacant Ship” above it and is available for bidding (explained in the “Bidding” section).
  • If a ship is owned, it will display the guild’s name and its logo, if there is one. It is not available for bidding but will have an artifact placed every two weeks which allows other guilds to claim it (explained in the “Artifact Battle” section).

Purchasable NPCs (with buffs)

NPC Charlie in Northern Flarine (see Personal housing)

  • Guild House NPCs → 7,000,000 Penya

    • [Guild House NPC] Dolphie: Teleport NPC (Can be used same Madrigal’s Blinkwing)

    • [Guild House NPC] Fuba: Guild Artifact HP Recovery +10%

    • [Guild House NPC] Bako: Allies HP +500 near Guild Artifact

    • [Guild House NPC] Wick: Allies Attack +3% near Guild Artifact

    • [Guild House NPC] Wina: Allies Def +3% near Guild Artifact

    • [Guild House NPC] Pitch: Allies Attack Speed +5% near Guild Artifact

    • [Guild House NPC] Catch: Allies Casting Speed +5% near Guild Artifact

  • Guild House NPCs → 💎350(7 days)/💎700(15 days) fCoins

    • [Guild House NPC] Asa: Teleport NPC (Can be used same Madrigal’s Blinkwing)

    • [Guild House NPC] Chord: PvP Damage +3%

    • [Guild House NPC] Anura: PvP Damage Reduction +3%

    • [Guild House NPC] Naso: PvP Critical Chance +3%

    • [Guild House NPC] Nuso: PvP Critical Damage +3%

    • [Guild House NPC] Soz: PvP Block Penetration +3%

    • [Guild House NPC] Vikel: PvP Block Rate +3%

    • [Guild House NPC] Quarter: Max HP +10%

    • [Guild House NPC] Lamew: Max FP +10%

    • [Guild House NPC] Gira: MP Consumption Decrease +10%

    • [Guild House NPC] Affe: FP Consumption Decrease +10%

    • [Guild House NPC] Cobao: Healing +3%

    • [Guild House NPC] Aibao: Magic Resistance +3%

    • [Guild House NPC] Nanco: Critical Resist +3%

    • [Guild House NPC] Pang: Level 4 Buffs limited to characters level 140 and below.

    • [Guild House NPC] Alyn: Weapon/Armor upgrade chance increase +3% (or x1.03)

    • [Guild House NPC] Runni: Piercing chance increase +3% (or x1.03)

    • [Guild House NPC] Lane: Accessory Upgrade chance increase +3% (or x1.03)

    • [Guild House NPC] Duron: Guild Artifact Max HP +10%

    • [Guild House NPC] Fuba: Guild Artifact HP Recovery +10%

    • [Guild House NPC] Dolphie: Guild Artifact DEF +10%

    • [Guild House NPC] Wick: Attack from nearby Guild Artifact +3%.

    • [Guild House NPC] Pitch: Attack Speed Rate from nearby Guild Artifact +100%.

    • [Guild House NPC] Bako: HP from nearby guild artifact +500.

    • [Guild House NPC] Wina: Def from nearby Guild Artifact +3%.

    • [Guild House NPC] Catch: Decrease Casting Time from nearby Guild Artifact +5%.


Unowned ships are available for bidding. By flying up to the vacant ship and speaking to the manager NPC, players may view other bids on this specific ship, and place their own on behalf of the guild if they are the guild master. In order to bid, the minimum bid will start at 100 Million (100,000,000) Penya, and the highest bidder will win. The bidding amount must be available in the guild bank, and it is taken out of there, not the player who places the bid. The bidding will end at noon (12:00 PM) server time on Saturday and the winner of the vacant ship will have their guild ship. Once you win a guild ship, you will have possession of the ship for 2 weeks. After your 2 week grace period you will need to place an artifact for the next phase, the Artifact Battle.

Artifact Battle

Once you win the ship, after 2 weeks, you will need to place an Artifact and partake in the Artifact Battle to maintain rights for your ship. This is an important task for authorized members of the guild, as they need to choose an artifact position through the guild window. The placement time will be from noon (12:00 PM) to 6:00 PM server time Saturday. Placement of an artifact costs 100 Million (100,000,000) Penya, taken from the guild bank at the moment of spawning, not the player who selected the position. If an artifact does not spawn (that is, the guild did not set a position or did not have enough Penya in the bank) by 6:00PM Saturday during the week you need place an artifact, the owning guild loses ownership, and the ship becomes vacant and available for bidding over the next two weeks.

If you do not own a guild ship and if you want to participate in battle instead of bidding, you can do so by choosing to participate in the Artifact Battle in the guild menu. The fee to participate in the Artifact Battle will be 200 Million (200,000,000) Penya from your guild bank and the deadline to choose to participate in the Artifact Battle will be noon (12:00PM) on Saturday when there is an artifact battle happening.

Once an artifact spawns, which is always on the PK channel, the owning guild must defend it from other guilds for 1 hour, which will be 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM on Saturday, local server time. Members of other guilds will be able to see large circles on the world map indicating that an artifact is spawned within the circle’s region, but not an exact position. Once another guild finds your artifact, you must prevent them from destroying it by fighting them and defending the artifact! If you place an artifact you automatically participate in the artifact battle, so even if you don’t pay the participation fee you can attack other guilds’ artifacts as well.

The artifact:
If the artifact is defended:
  • The owning guild maintains ownership of the ship.
  • The owning guild receives 50% of the total prize money divided by the number of guilds participating. The total prize money is 50% of the sum of the artifact placement fees and the participation fee.
So for example, if 20 guilds place an artifact and 30 guilds participate in the battle the total prize money will be (2,000,000,000 + 6,000,000,000) × 50% = 4,000,000,000. If you defend this you get 50% of the prize money divided by the 50 guilds. (So 40 Million)

If the artifact is destroyed:
  • The defeating guild receives ownership of the ship.
  • The owning guild receives 25% of the total prize money divided by the number of guilds participating. The total prize money is 50% of the sum of the artifact placement fees and the participation fee.
So for example if 20 guilds place an artifact and 30 guilds participate in the battle the total prize money will be (2,000,000,000 + 6,000,000,000) × 50% = 4,000,000,000. If you destroy this you get 25% of the prize money divided by the 50 guilds. (So 20 Million)

There is no limit on how many artifacts you can destroy and you get the prize money each time but you only get the first ship you obtain.

Note that when the ownership of a ship is changed, all the props and NPCs are removed, and it is essentially a blank house.

[Ger] In-game quick video on a ship from the community

Frequently Asked Questions

Do the guild ships roam around a specific area or do they roam the whole Madrigal Map?
– They roam around the same area. However, upon server reboot, the position changes.

Are bids visible from other guilds?
– Yes.

Is there an indicator on the map to see which ship our guild has a bid on?
– No.

What time does the bidding end?
– It ends at noon (12:00PM) server time on Saturdays and the winner for the vacant ship will have their guild ship.

How long is the bidding period?
– 2 weeks

Is there an indicator on the map to see where our guild ship is?
– Yes. If you own a guild ship, you will see your guild ship on the map and can click on it to teleport easily.

Can we place a bid on multiple ships?
– No.

Can we increase the bid before the end of the bidding period?
– Yes.

Do we receive back the amount we placed a bid on a guild ship if we lose the bidding?
– Yes.

Before the Artifact Battle — What if our guild did not set our artifact’s position on the PK Channel or did not have enough penya in the bank for the artifact battle by 6:00pm, Saturday?
– The owning guild loses ownership, and the ship becomes vacant and available for bidding over
the next two weeks.

How many HP does the artifact have?
– At this time, Flyffu is unable to disclose specific details regarding the artifact’s HP. They encourage guilds to prepare thoroughly and employ their best tactics during the battle.

During the Artifact Battle — What happens when your guild’s artifact gets destroyed?
– You get disqualified and cannot participate anymore. You lose ownership of your guild’s ship.

During the Artifact Battle — Can defending guilds (guilds that own a ship and are defending their own artifact) attack another guild’s artifact?
– Yes. Whether you destroy another guild’s artifact or not, you’ll get the usual Penya reward (50% of the total prize money divided by the number of guilds participating as long as you defend your own artifact). You will not get ownership of the destroyed artifact’s guild house
if you currently own a guild house.

During the Artifact Battle — What if we are participating as a defender of an artifact then you destroyed another guild’s artifact but later on your own guild’s artifact gets destroyed. Do we get the ownership of the enemy’s ship whose artifact you destroyed?
– No. When you destroyed the other guild’s artifact you already had a guild house. You only get the penya reward (25% of the total prize money divided by the number of guilds participating).

During the Artifact Battle — The battle takes place in the PK Channel, do other players that are not officially participating interfere (kill participating guild members)?
– Yes. The guilds participating in the artifact battle will have to take care of the players from the enemy guilds and players who just happen to be in the PK Channel.

During the Artifact Battle — Once a guild (who doesn’t own a ship but is participating) destroys an artifact during the battle, will they immediately gain ownership of the ship whose artifact they destroyed?
– Yes. It’s instantly transferred.

What time and how long do we have to defend our artifact?
– The guilds have 1 hour (6:00pm to 7:00pm, Saturday, local server time) to defend their artifacts.

If a guild loses the artifact battle, will they lose their ship and be shipless for two weeks?
– Yes, a guild will be without a ship until they either bid on another vacant ship or until they destroy another guild’s artifact on the following artifact battle.

If a guild loses the artifact battle, resulting in the loss of their ship, but then secures a vacant ship through a bid and wins possession the following Saturday, will their scheduled artifact battle be in two weeks?
– Yes.

So, there’s an artifact battle every 2 weeks?
– Yes.

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Yours sincerely Tacota

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The 1.6.0 API data is online. Unfortunately, there are currently some difficulties in creating the detail pages for the new item pages, but you can already see the description and some models by hovering over the names.