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Secret Room & Forsaken Tower

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Secret Room

It’s a dungeon where guilds can compete every week in a PvE competition. Up to 24 members of your guild can participate in the Secret Room dungeon, once per week.

A structural difference between this version of the dungeon and the original Flyff PC ones is, that guilds can choose any time that suits them best to run the dungeon throughout the week. Rankings will be updated accordingly at the end of each week based on the runs from that week.

Like all other dungeons, cooldowns are tied to players meaning two groups of 24 players can enter the Secret Room in one week, and their guild will appear on the rankings twice.

The Secret is available in Northern Flarine, requires a guild level 10 and a fee of 10,000,000 Penya

In the Secret Room, you are tasked with killing a lot of strong monsters and defeating the final boss, Asmodan within 2 hours. The goal of the competition is to complete the dungeon in the shortest amount of time possible. Some of the top guilds each week will receive rewards, such as a Tower Ticket which is a level 25 – 160 leveling zone, similar to Kebaras, which has a global 10% experience modifier. There is also a very small chance for Asmodan to drop cosmetic items, such as Asmodan fashion pieces and weapon skins.

In the bottom left you can see the rewards for all places

Exchanging the Blue and Green Chips

You can exchange your Blue- and Green Chips at Waforu in Northern Flarine.

Soul-Linked Pick-Up-Pets, armor glow color changes, consumables, equipment enhancement scrolls, and exp scrolls

Soul-linked statted masks/glasses, 10x gold pill (in a box), and a lot of weapons and shields (Jade=green, Ruby=red, Sapphire=blue, and Scorched=black for the Wardrobe Transmute to skin your weapons and shield

Community video in the Secret Romm

Forsaken Tower

The Forsaken Tower is available in Northern Flarine, which provides another
method of leveling. All the tower floors are instances which can be entered as a party or solo, with a couple of time limited tasks.

An important aspect of the Forsaken Tower is the new daily quests that come with it.

There are 20 new daily quests associated with the Tower, which 13 provide experience and Penya. You can start the quests by clicking on the NPC – choosing dialog- and clicking new Quest. You can  view your daily quests through the Daily tab in the quest window key-‘q’.

Tips for the Forsaken Tower Quests

The quests starts at level 86 and you get each two levels a new quest. Firstly, you have to kill 50 monsters (doesn’t matter if you kill the small, normal, or captain version), and then spawns the giant:

The difference between the party and the solo mode is, that you one need to kill half as many monsters and the cost are halved in the solo mode.

In the party mode only the party leader to pay the fee and the rest of the party gets teleported. You share the kill counter for the monsters.

When you killed the first 50 small, normal, or captain) for solo, 100 for party, the first Giant spawns anywhere in the captain spawn area, afterwards you have to kill another 50/100 monsters to spawn the 2nd giant anywhere in the captain spawn area. So you should definitely kill the 50th /100th monster in the catain area because you have to find+kill every giant within 5minutes.

Attention: If you enter the party mode you will lose all your buffs, in the solo mode you keep them!

Forsaken Tower Quests overview

Forsaken Tower Quests overview for each level and each quest

Forsaken Tower F1

Forsaken Tower F2

Forsaken Tower F3

Forsaken Tower F4

Forsaken Tower F5

Forsaken Tower F6

Forsaken Tower F7

New since October 17 2024 - Floor 6 and 7

Floor 6 is for characters between level 136 to 145, and floor 7 is for level 146 and above.

Please note that Floor 5 will now be level capped at level 135.

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