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Mobile interface

Table of Contents

Mobile UI explanation

Primary menu animation on Mobile

Put an emoticon as shortcut on Mobile

Skill Window on Mobile

Map Window on Mobile

The layout is a bit different as the NPC Selection is a list box instead of a combo box. However the left menu remains the same.

Chat Window on Mobile

The main screen will always show a preview of the chat. Touch it to open the complete chat window. The button with a cog inside is used to toggle the Chat Filter. The button with a scroll inside is used to toggle System Messages.

Inventory on Mobile

When the player touches an item it opens a menu with all the actions available for that item.

The Inventory is also embedded in all windows which require interaction with items.

Character Window on Mobile

The Character window shows more information about the player parameters. All existing parameters can be viewed in this window. A parameter is not displayed if it is equal to its default value. When stats are being edited, all affected parameters can be previewed with more information than before. There is a 2 column display when the window is large enough. As in Flyff PC, there are several columns for stats: the one on the left shows the total stats (with bonuses) and the one on the right shows the base stats assigned with Stat Points.

Upgrade Windows on Mobile

All upgrading windows (Piercing/General Upgrade/Card Upgrade/Element Upgrade) have been improved. They will always show a preview of the upgraded item and the probability of success. The item preview has a little sparkle effect. On mobile, the inventory displayed next to the window filters the items to display only those relative to the upgrade process.

Message Management on Mobile

Tired of losing a conversation when closing a Message window? The Messenger Window will allow you to view your messages, even if you have closed them! You can always delete a conversation with the cross.

Warning: this only concerns the current game session and if you reconnect you will not find your previous conversations.

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Yours sincerely Tacota

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Page Update

Discover the New Global Quest Search Tab!

Great news for all adventurers! A brand-new Global Quest Search tab has been added to the Quest page, making it easier than ever to find the perfect quest. You can now search through all 600+ quests by quest name, your level, level tolerance, and even rewards.

The 1.6.0 API data is online. Unfortunately, there are currently some difficulties in creating the detail pages for the new item pages, but you can already see the description and some models by hovering over the names.