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Psykeeper Hero’s Pendant

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ID 9809
Description Give Ainher's Pendant to Reonan.
Begin NPC Ainher
End NPC Reonan
Level: 83~160
Complete Quest: Collective Bargaining
Collect 1x Hero's Pendant
Penya: 150,000
EXP:  23.0000 % for Lv.
Items: 5x Scroll of Bonus (soul linked)
Chain Quest Yes
Repeatable No
Removable Yes
Party Share Yes

Begin Just give me the ore and you have my word that I will reunite with Reonan and the rest of the gang. First I need a little time to examine the ore.
I can't leave this very moment, but here, take my pendant to Reonan. It will seal the deal! I will meet up with you again soon enough! Hehe.
Accept Please tell Reonan I am busy with important research but will come directly to him afterwards!
Decline Eh? You don't want to leave here because of my radiant beauty? Guess I don't blame you!
Complete You're back! How is Ainher doing? What? This is another of the pendants!
Fail Well what are you waiting for! Take the pendant to Reonan!

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