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1st Job Change Quests


Name Min Max Quest Giver Rewards
Vagrant Master (Assist) 15 15 [Assist Drillmaster] Elic (Flarine) Penya: 1,500
Arm of Assist 15 160 [Assist Drillmaster] Elic (Flarine) Penya: 1,500
Items: 1x Blinkwing of Flaris
Assist Skills 15 160 [Assist Master] Maki (Flarine) Penya: 1,500
Items: 1x Label of Technique
1x Blinkwing of Flaris
Duty of Assist 15 160 [High-Dwarpet] Goripeg (Flaris) Items: 1x Re-Skill (soul linked)
1x Bull Hamstern (soul linked)
1x Refresher Hold (soul linked)
1x Activition (soul linked)
Inventory Spaces: +2 Slot(s)


Name Min Max Quest Giver Rewards
Vagrant Master (Magician) 15 15 [Magician Drillmaster] Wingyei (Flarine) Penya: 1,500
Weapons of the Magician 15 160 [Magician Drillmaster] Wingyei (Flarine) Penya: 1,500
Items: 1x Blinkwing of Flaris
Magician Skills 15 160 [Magician Master] Hee (Flarine) Penya: 1,500
Items: 1x Label of Technique
1x Blinkwing of Flaris
Duty of Magician 15 160 [High-Dwarpet] Hastan (Flaris) Items: 1x Re-Skill (soul linked)
1x Bull Hamstern (soul linked)
1x Refresher Hold (soul linked)
1x Activition (soul linked)
Inventory Spaces: +2 Slot(s)


Name Min Max Quest Giver Rewards
Vagrant Master (Mercenary) 15 15 [Mercenary Drillmaster] Mustang (Flarine) Penya: 1,500
Mercenary Arms 15 160 [Mercenary Drillmaster] Mustang (Flarine) Penya: 1,500
Items: 1x Blinkwing of Flaris
Mercenary Skills 15 160 [Mercenary Master] Andy (Flarine) Penya: 1,500
Items: 1x Label of Technique
1x Blinkwing of Flaris
Duty of Mercenary 15 160 [High-Dwarpet] Langdrong (Flaris) Items: 1x Re-Skill (soul linked)
1x Bull Hamstern (soul linked)
1x Vital Drink X (soul linked)
1x Activition (soul linked)
Inventory Spaces: +2 Slot(s)


Name Min Max Quest Giver Rewards
Vagrant Master (Acrobat) 15 15 [Acrobat Drillmaster] Hent (Flarine) Penya: 1,500
Acrobat Weaponry 15 160 [Acrobat Drillmaster] Hent (Flarine) Penya: 1,500
Items: 1x Blinkwing of Flaris
Acrobat Skills 15 160 [Acrobat Master] Pyre (Flarine) Penya: 1,500
Items: 1x Label of Technique
1x Blinkwing of Flaris
An Acrobat's Duty 15 160 [High-Dwarpet] Tucani (Flaris) Items: 1x Re-Skill (soul linked)
1x Bull Hamstern (soul linked)
1x Vital Drink X (soul linked)
1x Activition (soul linked)
Inventory Spaces: +2 Slot(s)

2nd Job Change Quests


Name Min Max Quest Giver Rewards
Successor of Hero -Master- (Ringmaster) 60 60 [Ringmaster Master] Ellend (Darken)
Successor of Hero -Seal- (Ringmaster) 60 160 [Ringmaster Master] Ellend (Darken)
Successor of Hero -Scroll- (Ringmaster) 60 160 [Ringmaster Wise-man] Clamb (Flaris) Items: 1x Stamped Scroll
Successor of Hero -Altar- (Ringmaster) 60 160 Teshar (Flarine) Items: 1x Mark of Hero
Successor of Hero -Guardian- (Ringmaster) 60 160 [Ringmaster Priest] Heedan (Darkon 3) Inventory Spaces: +5 Slot(s)


Name Min Max Quest Giver Rewards
Successor of Hero -Master- (Billposter) 60 60 [Billposter Master] Ride (Darken)
Successor of Hero -Hall Document- (Billposter) 60 160 [Billposter Master] Ride (Darken)
Successor of Hero -Scroll- (Billposter) 60 160 [Billposter Wise-man] Domek (Flaris) Items: 1x Stamped Scroll
Successor of Hero -Altar- (Billposter) 60 160 Segho (Flaris) Items: 1x Mark of Hero
Successor of Hero -Guardian- (Billposter) 60 160 [Billposter Priest] Fera (Darkon 3) Inventory Spaces: +5 Slot(s)


Name Min Max Quest Giver Rewards
Successor of Hero -Master- (Elementor) 60 60 [Elementor Master] Horison (Darken)
Successor of Hero -Feather- (Elementor) 60 160 [Elementor Master] Horison (Darken)
Successor of Hero -Scroll- (Elementor) 60 160 [Elementor Wise-man] Cuzrill (Flaris) Items: 1x Stamped Scroll
Successor of Hero -Altar- (Elementor) 60 160 Parine (Saint City) Items: 1x Mark of Hero
Successor of Hero -Guardian- (Elementor) 60 160 [Elementor Priest] Condram (Darkon 3) Inventory Spaces: +5 Slot(s)


Name Min Max Quest Giver Rewards
Successor of Hero -Master- (Psykeeper) 60 60 [Psykeeper Master] Cylor (Darken)
Successor of Hero -Underwear- (Psykeeper) 60 160 [Psykeeper Master] Cylor (Darken)
Successor of Hero -Scroll- (Psykeeper) 60 160 [Psykeeper Wise-man] Cuarine (Flaris) Items: 1x Stamped Scroll
Successor of Hero -Altar- (Psykeeper) 60 160 Ryupang (Flaris) Items: 1x Mark of Hero
Successor of Hero -Guardian- (Psykeeper) 60 160 [Psykeeper Priest] Pereb (Darkon 3) Inventory Spaces: +5 Slot(s)


Name Min Max Quest Giver Rewards
Successor of Hero -Master- (Blade) 60 60 [Blade Master] Corel (Darken)
Successor of Hero -Earring- (Blade) 60 160 [Blade Master] Corel (Darken)
Successor of Hero -Scroll- (Blade) 60 160 [Blade Wise-man] Guabrill (Flaris) Items: 1x Stamped Scroll
Successor of Hero -Altar- (Blade) 60 160 Ata (Flaris) Items: 1x Mark of Hero
Successor of Hero -Guardian- (Blade) 60 160 [Blade Priest] Jeperdy (Darkon 3) Inventory Spaces: +5 Slot(s)


Name Min Max Quest Giver Rewards
Successor of Hero -Master- (Knight) 60 60 [Knight Master] Karandur (Darken)
Successor of Hero -Helmet- (Knight) 60 160 [Knight Master] Karandur (Darken)
Successor of Hero -Scroll- (Knight) 60 160 [Knight Wise-man] Hormes (Flaris) Items: 1x Stamped Scroll
Successor of Hero -Altar- (Knight) 60 160 Kurmin (Flaris) Items: 1x Mark of Hero
Successor of Hero -Guardian- (Knight) 60 160 [Knight Priest] Lobiet (Darkon 3) Inventory Spaces: +5 Slot(s)


Name Min Max Quest Giver Rewards
Successor of Hero - Master (Ranger) 60 60 [Ranger Master] Eliff (Darken)
Successor of Hero - Letter (Ranger) 60 160 [Ranger Master] Eliff (Darken)
Successor of Hero - Scroll (Ranger) 60 160 [Sage] Kimel (Flaris) Items: 1x Stamped Scroll
Successor of Hero - Altar (Ranger) 60 160 [High-Dwarpet] Liekyen (Darken) Items: 1x Mark of Hero
Successor of Hero - Guardian (Ranger) 60 160 [Ranger Priest] Rupim (Darkon 3) Inventory Spaces: +5 Slot(s)


Name Min Max Quest Giver Rewards
Successor of the Hero - Master (Jester) 60 60 [Jester Master] Lorein (Darken)
Successor of Hero - Ring (Jester) 60 160 [Jester Master] Lorein (Darken)
Successor of Hero - Scroll (Jester) 60 160 [Sage] Radyon (Flaris) Items: 1x Stamped Scroll
Successor of Hero - Altar (Jester) 60 160 [Pepoview] Clackcable (Saint City) Items: 1x Mark of Hero
Successor of Hero - Guardian (Jester) 60 160 [Jester Priest] Homeit (Darkon 3) Inventory Spaces: +5 Slot(s)