Like finding a Hair band in a Pumpkin Patch

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Like finding a Hair band in a Pumpkin Patch

Other languages
German Wie die Suche nach einem Haarband im Kürbisfeld
France La fille sage
Korean 수줍은 소녀의 부탁

Description Find Marble Hair band from Pumpkin village and go back to Nersha.
Begin NPC Nersha
End NPC Nersha
Location Saint City
Level: 20~140
Complete Quest: A Mother's Fury
Collect 1x Marble Hairband
Penya: 5,000
EXP: 23% for Lv. 20
Chain Quest Yes
Repeatable No
Removable Yes
Party Share Yes

Begin Hey you.. It's no use talking to my mommy right now. When she gets angry, she gets ANGRY.*giggle* Give her some time!
Since you aren't busy now, I know you would looooooove to do me a favor! *giggle* A few days ago I lost my favorite Marble Hair band outside of the town. Please please find it???
Accept Yay! Thank you so much! You are super awesome. If I remember right, I lost it playing hide and seek with Nerco near the Pumpkin Village.
Decline But but but, it was my favoritest… my daddy bought it for me!!!
Complete You found my hair band!? Yay! You are the bestest ever!!! You are a real hero!
Fail Be careful! Pumpkin Village has lots of scary Mr.Pumpkins. When I saw one, I ran as fast as I could and lost my scrunchie!