Soups On!

Table of Contents

Description Tell Lusina's words to Nerco.
Begin NPC Luzina
End NPC Nerco
Location Saint City
Level: 20~140
Complete Quest: Nothing Like a Home Cooked Meal
EXP: 23% for Lv. 20
Chain Quest Yes
Repeatable No
Removable Yes
Party Share Yes

Begin Well, I should hurry and get dinner going. Would you please fetch Nerco for me?? I'm sure if I saw him right now, I'd kick his little butt from here to Darkon!
Accept Thank you so much! I'm sure that crafty little liar is still where you last saw him!
Decline Well, looks like someone is going to bed on an empty stomach then!
Complete You again?? I said I would be home soon enough! Don't tell me my mother sent you!?
Fail Please go tell Nerco to come home for dinner!