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Lizard People

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Lizard People

Other languages
German Eidechsenmenschen
France Les hommes lézards
Korean Lizard People
ID 12194
Description Collect evidence of defeating at least 1000 Small Naga, Naga, or Captain Naga. After that, defeat the Giant Naga and Violet Naga.
Begin NPC BoBu
End NPC BoBu
Level: 150~160
Complete Quest: Island Delicacies
Collect 300x Evidence of Victory
Collect 1x Head of the Giant Naga
Collect 1x Head of the Violet Naga
Penya: 15,000,000
EXP:  35.0000 % for Lv.
Items: 10x Scroll of Bonus (soul linked)
Chain Quest Yes
Repeatable No
Removable Yes
Party Share Yes

Begin I hope you're feeling rested after making all that bait with Pau Pau!
It's time to go on the offensive and take down as many of the Naga as we can.
Accept Okay hero, go out there and defeat the Naga before they come eat us!
Decline The Naga are ferocious, there's no shame in saying no.
Complete Incredible! Truly amazing! You've conquered the Naga, and nearly all of Coral Island!
Hopefully soon our village can sleep without keeping one eye open.
Fail Keep going! You need to defeat more Naga.